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Its Sunday and y/n are just laying on her bed cause... She's bored so yeah. Suddenly, she got a text from an unknown number.

? : Miss y/n....

After y/n read the message, she feels something is weird about this fam. So she just ignore it.

? : I know you're going to ignore me.

? : By the way, I just wanna say that have fun finding your angel book.

Y/n is shook (Jung shook), speechless and more. 'How did this guy/girl know about the angel book? What the fuck? Should I tell dad?' That is all that y/n can think about that time.


Y/n quickly go to the front door and open it. Then she see........

Nothing except for an envelope. She goes back into her house and then open the envelope.


And thats it in the paper. "Dafuk." Y/n said. Who is this guy?


= ? P.O.V =

Heh. You've read my letter... We'll meet each other one day... Miss y/n...

= Y/N P.O.V =

Who is this guy?! Is he one of Namjoon's friends? Aishhh... No way its one of his friends... While I was thinking about what just happened, someone send me a message.

Namjin : Hey y/n, we can't meet you today because we have some things to do. Sorry.. Don't worry tho. I'll just finish our project later (^~^)

I thought it was that random guy... Whatever tho.

Y/n : Oh... Its Ok Namjoon.


I was sleeping peacefully until someone burst into my room, slamming the door open, and shake the hell outta me.

"What the fuck. Staph, I wanna sleep." I said then continue ma sleeping beauty...

"Hyung! Wake the fuck up!" I look at the owner of the voice.... Oh ma sweg. Taehyung just curse in front of me-

Oh whale. "What do you want?" I said, looking at him with a glare since he disturbed my sleep. "Its about the book that we found the other day!" He said. Suddenly we heard someone screaming from downstairs. "Shit." I curse and immediately run downstairs with Taehyung following me from the back. When arrive there.... Oh ma sweg. ThE hOeLy bOoK iSh fLoaTinG-

"What the hell..." Taehyung said. Okay this fam need to stop cursing before he takes ma sweg. All of us look at the book, which is opening itself right now.

After the book open... It fell on top of Jimin's head. "What the fuck-" Jimin said. Namjoon immediately take the book and read it. Well, the book is in English so.... Yeah.


"What is in the book?" Jungkook ask.

"Lemme read it for you guys." Namjoon said and started to clear his throat.

"The Angel Book or known as Book for those Angel. Dear Angel, this Angel book will help you to know more about your job. What job? Of course one of it is being someone guardian angel and more. Every story have their own evil character right? and of course your enemy is those devils. Angel place is peaceful and fun, no war at all but the devil? Its opposite of us. They fight, gives bad influence to people and more. Their king, King Leon, have the Devil book. In the devil book, there's some things that they need to do and one of it is KILL ALL ANGELS. Yes. They will kill you. But don't worry. Why? Because we have the princess of angel. Even tho she is an angel, she is half devil. Shocking, i know. This book only open itself when it feels the power of the angel princess. Who is the princess? Her name is Kim y/-" Namjoon stop there.

"What's wrong?" Jin hyung ask. "I can't continue reading it. It only stop there." Namjoon said. "Ohh.."

"Who do you guys think is the princess?" Jimin ask. "Pfft. You believe in this book?" Namjoon ask. "Well, the fact that it just FLOAT and OPEN ITSELF. Yeah I believe this book." Jimin said. "Maybe we should give this book to the police?" Hoseok suggest. "I think... We should just keep the book." Namjoon said. "Okey.." Hoseok reply.

Then, it become quiet.

Jimin broke the silence and said "If. the book said that this book will open itself when it feels the princess power... Does that mean one of us is a girl?!"

"What the fuck." I said. "Of course no!" JungKook said. "Wanna ask y/n about this book?" Jin ask.

"I don't think so.... We just meet her 2 days ago..." Namjoon said.

= Y/N P.O.V =


I go to school as usual... And yeah of course i still didn't find the angel book. *sigh*

While i was thinking about my life, someone call my name.


Me and the other are on our way to school right now. When we arrive at school, we saw y/n.

"Guys, that's y/n, are you sure that you don't wanna tell her what did just happened to us yesterday?" Jungkook said. "Yes. Let just pretend like nothing happened to us yesterday." Namjoon said. We all then walk toward y/n.

"Halo y/n!" Taehyung then put his arm around y/n's shoulder. "Hey.." She said. "Are you okay?" I ask. She look so gloomy today. "Yeah. I'm okay" She give me  a smile. Cute. Wait. Wtf. Oh no. Hoeseok dont tell me that you're in love with y/n. Shit.... maybe I am in love with her...

Oh man hoely shit. And obviously the story of those angels is fake. I made up all of that for this book sake. Anyway, I think i will make a bts x reader chat later. I dont know when tho. - author

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