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WoWWwww thiS plAcE iS suRe dAmN huGe.

"Damn man I know that this place are huge but staph drooling." Y/n laugh at me. WeLL bOi tHat iS eMbArraSsinG-

WaiT diD sHe reaD ma miNd?

"She is not reading you mind, idiot"

OmG yooNgi hYunG caN reAD peOpLes minD tOo?!

"Yoongi didn't read your mind, idiot."

WtF jiN hYunG cAn reAd pEopLe miNd thrEe?!

"Ok staph thinking like everyone here can read your mind." Mingyu said.

"GasP y/N yOu bRinG soMe gUys tO thE anGEL woRLd?! Are all of them my son in laws tho?" Y/n father or King Kim, said with a happy face.

"Say what. ThOsE kiDs aS mY boifwens? HeyL nOh." She snaps her finger sarcastically.

"Damn my daughter is growing up so fast." Queen Kim come and wipes her fakes tears.

"MoM wHy-"

"Shhh shut up young lady. Come on my sons in law, I'll make some tea for all of you." Quees Kim bring us to the living room.

Damn the living room are 2x bigger than my house. Tf.

"HaLLo biShEs!!!" A Cupid(?) I guess come and shoot his arrow of love evErYwhEre. WtFuCk-

Oh shit the arrow hit hoseok..

|| HOSEOK P.O.V ||

Uh... I feel dizzy....

"Jung Hoseok, right?" Queen Kim look at me.


"Tell me... Do you... Perhaps, like my daughter?"

"Eh... Hm.... Yeah."

The other gasp.

"You mean, you like her MORE than friend, right?" She ask again.

"Oh you mean as a best friend? Of cOuRse!"


"MegA bEsT fwEns?"

"More than THAT?"

"Like as a lover? Well then yes!" I snaps my finger and then fainted.


Well.... Good thing that he said he love mah daughter but the bad thing is he fainted.

"Seungwoon wtf did you put in that fucking arrow of yours?" I glare at the Cupid.

"Uh... Just some potion of honest and... Uh... Potion of sleeping?" He laugh awkwardly while I glare at him.

"Shoot that guy." I point at...

|| JIMIN P.O.V ||

Oh shiT-

She point at me.. Well, bye bye world.

The Cupid look at me and then shoot me with da arrow. WoaH I FeeL diZzY-

"So boi who look like a 5 years old child but puberty hit you hard like an airplane, tell me if you like my daughter."

"Uh... You mean Kim y/n? Oh she's cute, beautiful,sexy and more-"

"oKeY yoU oBviOuSLy LikE mAh daUghTer."

I was about to laugh akwardly but then I fall asleep.

"Next guy... Hm.... That one."

|| YOONGI P.O.V ||

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