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Y/N P.O.V.

When we exit the cafe, Yoongi run towards me.

"Where the fuck did you go Yoongs?" I ask him. If he didn't run to who know where, JungKook doesn't need to ACT like we're kissing. Yeah 'ACT'.

"Sorry, I was sleeping on the tree." He said.

"Sorry my ass, because of you, Jungkook act like we're kissing. And guess what happened? We really ARE kissing." I said. Then, I heard gasp from everyone one of them. Especially Yoongi.

"JungKook why did you kiss her?!" Jin sound likes my mom when I eat her make up last year. Wait that's not the point here. The point is Vernon try to kill JungKook but Namjoon and Taehyung hold him.

"Guys, calm the fuck down." I tried to hold Vernon but I can't because I'm to lazy.

"How am I going to calm the fuck down when someone kiss you?!" Vernon said and then glare at JungKook.

Well then goodbye Mr Jeon JungKook that look like a bunny, I hope we can see each other in heaven later- wait I already live in the heaven.

"Okey you guys should stay quiet for a moment." Mingyu who just pop out of nowhere and finally talk and i didn't realize his existence but now I realize look at all of us.

We stay quiet for a moment and....

"There we go, more peaceful. Now let's  go to your house and you should cook for me y/n because I'm hungry af." Mingyu then leave us (he is probably on his way to my house).

"Well then.... Let's go-" right after Mingyu is gone, all of them continue to argue with each other. I mentally face palm.

"I'm outta here." And then I leave them.

I don't know how but I end up walking to a playground. An old and weird playground.

"I guess this place are officially abandoned now huh?" I walk around the playground. Suddenly.....

I saw a letter. I take it and without thinking more, I read it.

'Dear Y/n.....

I know that you will read this now. I can see you, from where? Guess it. Like what I told you before, you can't run from me. You can't escape from me. You're mine and I'm yours. Last time I gave you the letter.... It is supposed to be creepy like this but i was high on shit so yeah. We'll meet one day. And that one day..... IS TODAY.'

And right after I'm done reading the letter, and unknown number text me. The guy or girl who texted me about 'having fun finding the angel book'.... Well after i read this letter I bet he is a guy.

Unknown : Y/n.... You can't escape now.

And then I heard something.

Y/n : What do you want from me?

Unknown : Your love..... And your soul...

Y/n : I don't have a soul.

Unknown : You're so cute with that scared face of yours~

Reading the text, I'm started to freak out. He is here. And he is somewhere in this playground. Wait, why am I scared? I'm an angel. Bruh. Who is this guy anyways?

And then someone grabs me by my shoulders and make me look at them. My widen when I see him. No way.....

"T-taeyong?? You're supposed to be d-dead."

He smirk.

"You can't escape from me now."

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