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No One's P.O.V

Namjoon takes a deep breath. Seeing Y/n's parents here talking with their guards and all, makes him anxious. Is this Taeyong dude really really is dangerous?? I mean like, they saw his photo already just now and not gonna lie, he is very good looking. Like, maigod that jawline could cuts every shit that it touched.

"Okay shitheads, my daughter has been kidnapped a few hours ago because of those kids" Mrs. Kim said while pointing at everyone including HyeMin who is actually very innocent and didn't do anything wrong at all except for being such a good friend. Not gonna lie but Mingyu snorted when he sees that everyone got blamed because of the incident except for him.

"You're just the same, I send you to take care of my beautiful, precious, cute, adorable, pretty, sexy, little daughter of mine. And of course she got all of those from me, her beautiful, precious, cute, adorable, pretty, sexy-" Mrs. Kim who is busy praising herself got cut off by her one and only husband, Mr. Kim.

"Big wife of mine. Now Mingyu can you please go and find more garlic?" Mr Kim said, sending Mingyu a slight glare since only 10% of what his wife said is true. The take care of our daughter part of course.

As soon as Mingyu is gone from their sight, Mrs. Kim proudly hit her husband's shoulder.

"Am i nOt SmaLL aT aLL iN yOur EyeS?"

"You mean, big?"

"i- i Am, oFFeNDeD. HMPH!" And with that, Mrs. Kim left the room, making her way to the kitchen to eat something. Releasing some stress, she said, when one of the guard saw her munching on a potato.

Feeling like the atmosphere is less intense than before, Jin, as the oldest one, go and approach Mr. Kim.

"Uhm, Mr. Kim, may I ask you something??" He said, looking at the old man who is one of the reason why our precious little Y/n exist in this world. You know what i mean-

"Sure, go ahead"

"Why did you asked Mingyu to go and get some garlic??"

"Oh- It is because Taeyong hates garlic." Mr. Kim said with a calm face, slightly stroking on his beard. But then he realizes that he doesn't have any beard and just shrugged it off. Jin who is sure that he have more braincell (but most of them are malfunctioning, like mine.) just nod and believe what the old man said.

"So... when will we go and attack that Taeyong dude?" Taehyung shouted, coming closer to Jin with an excited face, while Jin is looking slightly at Mr. Kim who is unbothered with Taehyung's 'too friendly towards old people' behavior.

"I'm- I don't know, soon, i guess-"


All the attention goes to Mrs Kim who is still busy munching on her potato while holding another pack of potato. She is high on potato for sure but thats not the point here. Seeing all the guards are ready with garlic around them, Mrs. Kim immediately shouts,


All of them was shocked as fuck and panicked for a moment, taking the garlic that Mr. Kim gives to them, they went out afterwards, followed by Mr. Kim behind them, of course.

"Mrs. Kim, this is your garlic." Mingyu said, handing the older woman a garlic.

"WhO NeED a GarLic whEn YoU havE a PoTATo?" And with that, all of them leave to a place called, Taeyong's house. I hope they're ready to see, how much of a strong demon Taeyong is.


At Taeyong's place...

"Y/nie, eat some, you haven't eat for days" Taeyong pouts at the girl in front of him, putting the spoon back after seeing his future wife rejected him again. He wants to force her but, nope nu uh child, that would probably makes his dom side takes over his whole body. And we don't want that to happen :)

"Taeyong, its not even a day, tf."

"Sighhh I know but please, at least eat me- i mean this foods"

Y/n tried to facepalm but failed since her hands are chained to something that we called, da wall.

"Thank god the author promise me that I'll be save from you soon" Y/n mumbled, rolling her eyes back as Taeyong looks at her with love-eyes.

"Ohohoho I will make sure that the author will breaks her promise" Taeyong said, smirking.

"What do you mean-" Y/n immediately shut her mouth. Seeing a figure got tied up on a chair with a mask on him makes Y/n speechless. Ohno-

"ChOisAn? Tf YoU DoiNg heRE gO bACk tO THE oTher BooK-"

You fucker steal ma man-

"wAit, AUthOt-"


And with that, a high pitched non sexual screamed could be heard from Taeyong's house. Hoseok who is crouching near to the house flinched. My Y/n! I WILL SAVE YOU!

"AtTAcK" Mr. Kim shouted, telling his guards to go and burst in to the house since he didn't want to die yet.

Guess what is the first thing they saw?

We'll see on the next chapter :)

some author shits for today::

hi this is your lovely author who has been dead for years- yes, im so sorry about that. I have some technical issues but now i've got rid of it so im back for good :) anyways guys the virus are wilding, ngl, so stay at home, takes some snacc and eat a lot. since i have no foods i can only stare at choi san on instagram since he's a snacc- okay bye love you all mwah.

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