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Dad : I....

Y/n : ...?

Dad : I want you to come back home because it's time, for you to learn how to be a princess.

Y/n : ... You're joking right? I already know how to be a princess. Why should I learn about it again?

Dad : This time. You're not just a normal princess. You're the PRINCESS OF ANGEL AND DEVIL.

Y/n : ... Wot.

Dad : sigh... I guess you didn't read that angel book yet even tho I already force you like 707 times (HUEHUEHUE-)

Y/n : .... Okey dad. I'll go there. Meet ya later.

Dad : Okey. Bye.

I ended the call. Wooowwww now I need to be a princess of angel and devil. WhaT kinD oF sToRy iS thiS? Why did I even agree to act in this story-

(Shut up or I'll kick your butt)

Who said that? Eh. Maybe it just my imagination.

(Fuck you)

Wait... Author is that you?

(Hell yeah)

Good. I wanna stop-

(Talk later do your work ho-)


( This part got cut because y/n is talking to herself and people look at her weirdly)

I go back to those BTS kids.

"Guys. I need to go back home. Forever." I said.

Jimin look at me with a shook face, Namjoon look at me like he just lost his jams, Tae look at me like he was about to cry because he lost his teddy bear, kook look at me like he just broke my computer, Hoseok look at me like I just throw a shoe at him and Yoongi look at me with a bitch face.

"What?" They said.

"I'm going back home. Byeee"

And then I teleport to my house. Lol.

Guys. I'm sorry but I think I can't continue this story for a few weeks because I am really busy. Short, I'm going to be on hiatus again. I'm so sorry. I'll make sure that I will update as soon as possible. - author

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