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No One's P.O.V

"WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING HERE" Mr. Kim shouted as soon as he entered the house. Seeing the evil yet pure looking demon a.k.a Taeyong (another) a.k.a Y/n's ex boyfriend looking scared and is currently on top of a shelf makes them all went blanked.

"He was about to do something bad to me-" Y/n said but her words got cut off by Mr. Kim.


"Wha- Pfttttt no... Does touching inappropriately counts as a rape tho?" Hearing his poor innocent little child, nah he probably know she's not that innocent at all, looking so innocent and almost getting rape, Mr. Kim then throw a garlic at Taeyong. And yall guess it right people, waR tiMe.

Everyone were busy throwing garlic while no one, literally nOBody caMe to fReE y/N. So she's just sitting there, watching until she realized something,

"Wait pfft i forgot i have powers lmao dumbass" Using her own power to free herself, she then left, going back to the castle cause there's no point on staying if they're going to win anyway.


"Tch, you guys are so weak." Taeyong said, shaking his head slightly while smirking. Looking around, seeing those people, angel, garlic and literally everything is on the ground, he laughs, probably cause he's proud of himself. But he forgot someone is still there, holding tightly onto her potatoes.

"hEY BITCH" She shouted and that made Taeyong looks at her, frowning slightly.

"eAT MY POTATOES YOU MF" And with that, Mrs. Kim throw all of her potatoes at him, making the one and only Taeyong hisses. And surprisingly, right after the potatoes attack him, he went gone. No where to find, no sight of dead tho but, gone is enough, right.

"oH mY quEEn i kNOw yOu cAN dO iT" Mr.Kim said, a slight of hurt can be heard in his tone. Since he's practically is laying on the floor, hurt because of those bricks that Taeyong just hit him with.

"i know, now les go home baby" without even helping the other, Mrs. Kim flipped her hair, fixes her nice beautiful dress and then leave, going back to the castle and have a nice little reunion with her daughter. While the other... uhhhhh

"Oh shit i think i broke my ass" Mr. Kim said.

"Its alright, only gay people use them 🌚"

"You're right 🌚"

And yes, of course Y/n and her mother  will send someone to come and save them.

2 weeks after

Jimin sighs, pouting slightly since its been a week since they left the angel or demon world. I forgot which world is it okay-

And thats mean, its been a week since he last meet with y/n, the girl that manage to win his hart without even trying. She just breathe and poof, Jimin is already whipped. Well i mean, everyone were just the same as him so-

"Guys... i miss y/n" Taehyung said, slamming himself onto the couch.

"Yeah.. and i miss school too" Namjoon said, getting lots of 'boooo' from the others. Even Jin look at him with a disgusted face.

"Wtf Namjoon"

"Why you gotta ruin this moment"

"Stop thinking about school-"

As they continue to think about Y/n, the girl that is veryvery weird but bootiful, they suddenly got a notification from her, saying that she'll come back to the earth in two days. And that is enough to make them all fanboys and literally jumps everywhere, throwing each other onto the wall while wheezing.

"sHe iS comiNg bACkKKkKkK"



"mY bAbY"


the last one is probably Taehyung, no doubt.

Meanwhile, at Y/n's place

"Are you sure you want to go back to that earth?? that ugly earth??" Mr. Kim said, looking at his daughter with a very unbelievable face.

"Yep" She said, smiling slightly while eating the apple on her hand.

"But y/n, you know that you're already 2003839738 years old right?" Mrs. Kim said, joking slightly but still, her voice is full of seriousness.


"You know that you'll rule this place one day right..??"


"So can you do me a favor please sweetie"

"Yeah sure mom what is it?"

"Go find a husband for yourself please"


"I'm too lazy to find anymore guy for you, I don't even know if anyone would still wanna be your husband but aYe, lOoK aT tHe bRiGht siDe, yOu cAn cHooSe yOUr oWn hUsbanD yAy"

Y/n nod, knowing that her mother will always haunt her if she didn't find anyone that will willingly be her husband and rule the world, not earth, together with her.

"Alright mom don't worry I won't die being a single person"


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