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~Back to those Yoongay and Y/n kids~

|| NO ONE P.O.V ||

"Geez, Y/n relax." Yoongi said when he looks at y/n face.

"I cAnT. JuSt LooK aT ThOsE KiTkaT. I waNt ALL oF iT!!!"

When Y/n reach out for the KitKat, another hand reach out for it too.

"BiTcH doNt yOu sEE tHat iM aLreaDy maRRiEd wiTh thiS KitKaT-" Y/n sentence got cut off by a gurl.

"Y/n?" The girl said, looking at y/n.



Friend : Bruh.

Just for yall information I'm going to be in this book because I always put myself in every book that I made in real life. So yeah.

"OmG HyeMiniE pAbO mY hOe!!!"

Y/n hugs the gurl. Yoongi look at them with a curious faceu.

"You two know each other?" He ask.

"Duuhhhh of course yes!! She's my girlfriend!!" Y/n said proudly.

Yoongi choke on his spit.

|| YOONGI P.O.V ||

HeR wuT. Wait so that's mean Y/n likes girl?! Well I'm done. I probably won't get a chance-

"Dood you make he thinks that you seriously like me. Me and y/n are just friends. No more than that." HyeMin said looking at the guy.

"But..But.. I thought you love mehhh!!!" Y/n dramatically held on to HyeMin's shoulder.

"Staph your stupid drama, hoe. I'm taken."

"You'Re taKeN?! WhO iSh tHiS biTcH whO tOoK maH besT fWen?!.... Did he took your virginity tho?"

HyeMin almost choke at what y/n just said. Poor HyeMin. I will pray for you.

"BisH iM jokiNg." HyeMin throw a packet of KitKat towards y/n.

"Oh hEyL nAw yOu diD nOt jUst tHrow mY hUsbAnD-"

"Oh HeYL yEaH I juSt tHroW iT."

And then y/n was about to throw a dictionary towards HyeMin but stop when HyeMin say something. That even make me froze.

"Wait. Y/n I just realized something. Is this dude over here is your boyfriend?"

Y/n look at HyeMin with a ' really dood? '

"I'm just asking okkkaaayyyy...."

"BisH of course he is not my boyfriend."


Well that hurt. Again. There was an awkward silence for a few seconds until HyeMin broke it.

"Shit I'm late to go to Earth. Gotta go. Bye bye lovebirds~"

And then HyeMin gone to who know where.

"Well that's weird." Y/n said, looking at the direction that HyeMin go before she gone.


"Angel didn't get to go to Earth that easily.... Except..."


"They need to go to earth to... Omg."


"Except if they have a relationship with someone on Earth!"

"Eh? What do you mean?"

"Well, Angel can't just randomly exit this world without a reason. If I'm right, there's only 2 reasons that can be accepted to go to the Earth."

"And that is..?"

"One, an emergency. Like me, I lost my angel book a long time ago. That's why I go to Earth. And second, if they have a love relationship with someone on Earth."

"Ohhhh..." I nodded my head. And then I just realized something.

"Y/n, can human live in this world?"

"Yeah but only for 1 week or else..."

"StaPh wiTh cuTTinG yOuR oWn senTenCes."

"Lololol.... Ok... Or else that human will turn into an angel like us."

Ohohohohoho... Just think about me being an angel.. Nu'uh hun... Demon suit me better.

"Me and the others have been here..for.."

"Not even for a day. You guys just arrived a few hours ago."



"Mom iM baCk wiTh tHe iNgrEdieNtS thAt yOu wanT"

I put the ingredients on a table.

"Good! Now go talk to those people in the living room!"

We go to the living room and...

"NamJooN hYunG yOu cAnT dO thAt!!" Jimin shout.

"Of cOuRse I caN. I haVe jAmS noT LiKe yOu!"

They're fighting... Over a toy car....

Nobody realized that y/n and I was staring at them with a ' wtf ' face until...

"Oh, y/n! You're back!!" Taehyung hugs her.

"Hey Taetae." Y/n hugs him back.

"Y/nie!!! Look at Namjoon hyung!! He took ma car!!" Jimin pout. Omg I'm disgusted.

"WaiT woT. Pfffftt... I'm too old for this shit." Namjoon said and then throw the toy at Jimin. Look like this kid have lost his jams.

"Vernon~!!!!" Y/n suddenly run to a guy and hug him.

Ok who the fuck is that?

"That is DiCaprio from Titanic movie twins." Jin hyung whisper at me.

I only stare at the guy with a death glare. Good thing that y/n didn't realize it.

"Y/n!!!! I want a hug too~" Jungkook pout. Everybody know that y/n will immediately give up and hug him since she thinks that Jungkook is cute.

"Aww~ Come here kookiEh" y/n hug him like she hug a fucking gigantic bunny.

|| HOSEOK P.O.V ||

I want a hug.. Jhoe want a hug from y/n..


Me wanT hUggSsssss

Geez chill dood.

You chill.


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