ᴋɪᴍ sᴇᴏᴋᴊɪɴ

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Y/n sighed softly while trying as hard as she could to stay awake. She has decided to become a normal human, no more angel shit thingy even though her parents went wild because of that. But overall, it's fine now and she can visit them anytime she wants. I mean, being a human isn't that bad. No wings, no teleportations, no magic shitty power, no more Mingyu to haunt around her, and a lot of walking. So yeah, not so bad.

"You're still awake, princess?" Hearing that voice, Y/n face lit up. A soft smile could be seen on her face. Feeling a pair of arms snaking around her waist, Y/n then leans onto Jin's shoulder.

If you're wondering where they are right now, they are just chillin at a random hill full of grass kind of place. Ya know, that one cliche scene in every drama has.

"Mn" Hearing that soft response, Jin moves his hand to pats on the girl's head gently. So weird to know that the girl decided to choose him. I mean, they were dumbfounded when Y/n asked if any of them wants to rule heaven together with her in the future. When nobody responded, Jin finally stood up beside her, promising the girl that he'll stay right beside her till the end.


"Woahwoahwoah, hyung what are you doing. I'm the one who is supposed to be there beside her, not you." Jungkook said, looking at Jin who is now standing beside Y/n.

"I mean, you're late to react so, first come, first get," Jin said proudly, making the golden maknae huffed his cheeks in frustration.

"So you're going to stay in heaven with Y/n then..?" Namjoon asked, looking at Jin straight in the eyes for confirmation.

"Yup," Jin said with confidence, making the other nods.

Right when the atmosphere was about to become more serious, dramatic ass screeches could be heard from behind them. Turning around, there they see Mrs. Kim crying her eyes out while Mr. Kim tried to calm her down. Keyword, TRIED.

"OhMygOD mY bABy iS gROwiNG uP sO fAsT" Mrs. Kim take out a tissue and use it to wipes her tears away. Seeing this, Y/n smiles.

"Eomma, I don't want to be an angel anymore."

And that's when Mrs. Kim tears stop falling and went back into her eyes.

"Child do you know wtf did you just said-"

"I know," Y/n said.

"I don't want to be an angel anymore."

"But why?" Mr. Kim asked.

"... It's pretty boring if you ask-"

"JDHDJSH YOU UNGRATEFUL CHILD I-" Mrs. Kim was about to throw a tissue at her when Mr. Kim stops him and smiles.

"Well, if you say so"

"Wait you just gonna let our child go just like that"

"She's an adult now anyway. Plus we can't just give her the responsibility to take care of heaven while we go out and have a nice honeymoon-"

"Okay stop- I understand"

Y/n smiles at her parents and walks to them, pulling them into a hug afterward.

"So you're going to leave now??" Mrs. Kim asked, squishing on her daughter's face.


"Yah Seokjin, are you listening to me?" Y/n's soft voice brings Jin back to reality. Turning his head to his side, Y/n is looking at him with worries.

"What's wrong?" She asked.


"Lies," Y/n huffed her cheeks, making Jin smile and pokes each of her cheeks with his fingers. Except for the other cheeks down there, ya know what I mean 👀.

"I'm just thinking, why don't you want to be an angel anymore? Boring is probably not the real answer." He ask, making the girl went oh for a second.

"Wellllllllll living a real-life here with you would be more wonderful than being in heaven, ruling that place is no funnnnn," Jin chuckles softly and pulls Y/n closer to him.

"I love you, Y/n"

"I love you too, Jinnie"

And they stay there for hours, looking up, staring at the stars while enjoying their momento.

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