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Hoely shit what the fuck did I just saw-

"HyeMin arE yOu oKey???!!" Y/n suddenly pop out of nowhere and hugs me as if I'm going to die anytime soon.

"Dude, yOu shoULd aSk thAt tO thEm." I point toward Mingyu who is legitly not wearing a shirt and Wonwoo is on top of him.

"Oh. Mingyu isn't wearing shirt is not weird but Wonwoo on top of him? ThatS beYoNd weiRd." Y/n runs toward Mingyu and casually push Wonwoo off of him.

"DudE tELL mEh, aRe yOu gaY?" Y/n slapped Mingyu.

"FuCkiNg heLL naW iM nOt gaY. He accidentally fall on top of me." Mingyu death glare Y/n.

"Oh.. was about to ship it" Y/n pout.


"OmG y/N pOuTeD? WtF I neVeR saW hEr pOutEd siNce we weRE chiLdhOoD anD yET, shE pOuTed whEn sHe'S wiTh MiNgYu" Vernon burst into the kitchen with a knife on his hand.

"WoW chiLL tHerE dOoD. I pOuTeD bEcuZ HyEMiN iS hERe! SHe iS mY besT fwEN anD yOu dO knOw tHat riTe." Y/n said then she take the knife from Vernon.

"I donno who are you dating actually y/n but I feel betrayed-" I said dramatically.

"I aM daTiNg yOu baBeH" She hugs me.

"Okey okey... You don't want me to die soon because of your jealous fanboys right?" I said, scared of death glares that I received from Vernon and those BTS kids.

"JeaLoUs faNboiS? PFffT I doNt haVe aNy." She let me go and look at Vernon and the others. As soon as they saw Y/n turn her head, their expression change into a happy face.

Damn they really love her 🌚

Suddenly my phone vibrate.

E'dawn : HyeMinie where are you?

Oh shit I forgot that I need to meet him later¡

I put the things that Mrs. Kim orders from the store on Earth and quickly teleport to earth. But before I could do that, Y/n took my phone and read the message.

"E'dawn hm?? Who is this? I guess he is a  GUY?? Is this your boyfriend?? Can I be the VIP for your wedding?"

Shit she ask too many questions.

"He is my best friend and yes he is a guy. No he is not my boyfriend. And hell to the nope, you will be watching the cake on my wedding, IF I will get marry." I said in one breath and then teleport to the Earth after taking back my phone from Y/n.


When HyeMin teleport to the Earth, Y/n turns to her normal self. The girl who is cold af but is actually a cinnamon roll in the inside. Awwww~

"Wait where is my parents?" She look around the kitchen.

"Y/n, look, there's a note on the fridge." I pointed at the note.

"It said, 'wE wiLL gO oN vaCaTiOn aT hAwAii anD doNt woRrY, we kNoW yOu aRe LoNeLy aF sO wE wiLL bRiNg nEw siBLiNg foR You 🌚 Love, Momma aNd faThA' Well... At least you will get a new sister or brother." I said, laughing silently at Y/n pale face.

"I doNT wAnT siBLiNg!!!" She shouted.

"Why?" Jimin hyung ask.

"CuZ I woULd raTheR liVe aLOne." She said while taking the note and then throw it into the dustbin.

"You know, it is more fun to have sibling. You can have fun with them." Jin hyung said.

"You sound the same like Vernon." She said sarcastically.

"ExCuSe mEh" Vernon said.

"You're excuse my fam." She said with a smile.

"Oh yeah right! Since we don't have shit to do, how about we stalk HyeMin and that E'dawn dude???" She suggested a stupid idea but I found out that it's cute.

"Sure!" Jungkook said happily. Well he is the evil maknae what can I said?

And then Y/n teleport us to the Earth


"WhY aM I aLwaYs LoNeLy aF¿"


Guys, I just wanna give a shout out to ArMyOnCeWannaBle or Dana. Go read her book about BangTwice.
And please support her too :)

Bye bye and see ya on the next chapter :D

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