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Suddenly, a guy pop out of nowhere. Wtf. Author what ish this-

( Author : ShhH aNd dO uR woRk hO )

"LOLOLOLOLOL" The random guy said.

"Dafak?" Y/n look at the random guy with a 'what the fuck are you' face.

"Miss y/n.... We finally meet!!!!" He run towards y/n and hugs her.

"Who the food are you?" Y/n push that guy and point a fork towards him.

"I'm yOuR futURe huSbAnd." He said.

"I don't remember having an idiot as my future husband."

Oh dAmN saVaGe

"GaSP iN gUcCi" He said.

"GuCCi faM" Taehyung said.

"ShUt tHe fUcK uP AliEn-"

"Who are you?" Y/n cut him off.

"I'm Prince Boo Seungkwan. You can call me Dive Boo. I'm one of the demon prince." He even flips his hair. Wtf.

"Now I know why you look ugly." Y/n said. (BrUh iM jOkinG dOnT kiLL mEh pleAsE)

"GaSp iN eNgliSH" he said while looking at her.

"Now can you get outta here? I'm kinda busy-" Y/n said, pushing seungkwan using a broom.

"StApH iT. CaNt cHu seE tHAt iM tRyinG tO hElp mA bRoTha heRe?"

"What. Who?" She ask.

"Da onE wHo senDS yOu dA enVelOpE. DUhhhh." He said.

"Uhm.... Can we go home, y/n?" Yoongi ask.

"No. Go to the living room." She said.

And now those kids are at the living room while me, y/n and that diva boo kid is still talking about life-

Wait. What kind of script is this I thought that angel hate devil. AuThoR niM!!

( SHuT uP anD jUst coNtinuE )

"So yOu likE mA bRotHa?" Diva boo ask.

"No. I never see him." She said

"Okey. Stop. I thought angel and devil hate each other." I said.

"Pfffttt... Me and my brothers betrayed our parents." He said.

"Oh... Dafak."

"Lololololol. Gotta go. ByE fAm" and then that diva boo kid gone.

"Now. The others."

We go to the living room and see them, sleeping.

"Da heck." I said.

"Lmao. Just let them sleep. They must be tired after what happened today." She said.

"Yup." - memegyu

"Now what?" - y/n

"..... Pizza?" - memegyu

"Sure." - y/n

AyEeee. SuP pEoPle. By thE waY I nEveR asK for vOtEs sO....

1 voTe = 1 cooKie foR JiMiN. HuE huE huE-


Wtf am I doing. AnyWayS byE.

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