SuPriSe sUCKer (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

871 32 18

So this is just sum random shit for y'all and nO. ItS nOT a SmUt. Don't get your hope high tho. Im tOo iNnOcEnT tO wRitE daT.
But i can read it tho cuz why not (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).

~ Y/N P.O.V ~

Today is like everyday. Boring, too many shits, no life and too many boys to handle. Yes. BTS is living with me from today until forever. While talking about life shit to you guys, a scream interrupted me. And I'm 100% sure that it is Taehyung.

"OHhHhhHh mYyyyYyY gAwwHhHhwAddd jUaNcOCK dONt gET NeaR mEh YoU ASsHoLe!"

"But V hyung, I thought you love mehh" Jungkook walk towards Taehyung with an evil smirk.

"I dOoo bUT I lOVe y/N mORe" Taehyung said or more like scream.

"ErGh¡ yOU hURt mEH hYuNg (┳Д┳)"

"FiNE tHan I LoVEs yoU mOrE."

"Ew. I'm hurt because you love y/n not because you love her more than me"

Suddenly Jimin pop out of nowhere and said

"I smell gay." And then he spray some hoely water at those two.

"Okey you guys, staph it. I thought we are going to make a movie night today." I said.

"We are." We look at Yoongi with a disbelief faceu.

"OH mY gAwd. YoU aRe gOiNG tO jOiN?" Jin said with a shocked face.

"Of course." Yoongi casually said and then drink a cup of coffee.

"Wait, where did you get that coffee?" Namjoon ask.

"The sky." Yoongi said with a smile.

And when Yoongi smile, everyone including me gasp.

"Oh mY gOwD. YOu caN sMiLe?" Hoseok ask sarcastically.

"OohhhHhoHhhhhhHhh bUrNnnn" Namjoon shout.

"Okey guys, let's get ready for the movie" I said and started to bring all the pillows that exist in this world.


"What movie do you guys wanna watch?" Jin throw some dvd shit or whatever it is so we can choose the movie.

"HoRrOr moViE? (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)" Jimin said.

"What's with the face?" Jungkook look at Jimin.

"Well if we watch horror movies, maybe, just maybe, Y/n will scared and she will hugs that weird ass pervert jamless kid."
Namjoon said proudly since he have the most large ass brain here.

"Pffttt... Try me bitch." I said

"Oh we will (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)" all of them said. Wait aLL-


"When will the jump scare come-"

Yoongi sentence got cut by a Taehyung screaming just because of the girl in the movie accidently bumped onto a table.

"Really hyung, i thought it was a jump scare-"

This time, Jungkook got cut off by a jump scare.

"HoE mY gAwD¡"

All of them scream and guess who did they hugs? Of course me. I dont even flinch when the jump scare pop.

"This is gonna be a long night." I said.

"oH (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)" being the dirty minded Jimin he is, he smirked and nudge me. And I slap him with a pillow.

"PiLLoW fiGhTttttttt"

And with that, the world war 3 started. While we were fighting, someone accidentally fall on top of me.

Guess who?

Its thE oNE aNd oNLy Taehyung. He smile at me and i swear to god I think I just blush there.

"Oh. Y/nie is blushing~ " He whisper to me. Hoely shit fuck this shit I'm out.

"AYe nO fLirTiNg HeRe" Jin then take me into his embrace.

"BiJ YOu FLiRt Too!" And then Jimin take me to the kitchen.

"Okey babeh, we're alone here (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)" he said.

"SuPriSe mOtha fuCkA" Jungkook pop out of nowhere and fucking kiss me on the cheek.

"BruH" Jimin throw a plate at Jungkook.

"While they were fighting let's go to somewhere else" Namjoon holds my hand and bring me outside. Now, we are watching the stars.

"You do realise that all of us love you, right?" He suddenly asked me the most awesome question I've ever heard in my whole entire life.

"Eh.... Maybe?"

Namjoon pft at me and suddenly caressed my cheek.

Okey wtf is happening-

"Heyyyyyyy what are you guys doinggg???? (」゚ロ゚)」 hUhhhhhH??" Hoseok pop out of nowhere and slap Namjoon.

"No touching touching y/n!" Before Hoseok attack Namjoon, he kiss my cheek.

"Uh....." I awkwardly looking at them fighting using a flower.

"Leggo." Yoongi come and this time, he bring me to his bedroom.

(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

"Uhh... What are we doing here?" I look at Yoongi. If something stupid is going to happen I won't hesitate to karatae (huEhUe-) him.

Suddenly he walk closer to me and pin me to the fucking wall. Oh come on wall why the fuck would you appear in this motha fucking moment-

"Pffftt you should look at your face" Yoongi suddenly laugh and ruffle my hair.

"A-ayE! DonT dO tHat tO mY HaiR!" I slap his hand off of me.

And then the other members burst into the room and hugs me.

"WaT diD yOu dO To mY y/N¿" Taehyung said.

Oh really now.

And then all of them fight about how much of a flirt they are towards me. Well bitch all of them are just the same.

I feel annoyed but I cant hold the smile that I've been holding the whole time. Maybe.... I have a feeling towards one of them. But WHO?

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