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~Y/N P.O.V~
I go to my class as always. Oh wait, what is my first class today?'s.... History. Cool. I hate history. Because it's make some hoely fake ass story about me and my family. Yeah I'm in the history book why? You jealous?

"Today, we will talk about the Angel and the Devil. Anyone wanna tell me what do you think about them?" The teacher ask and then a guy raise his hand. "Yes, Taehyung?" The teacher said.

"I think those Angel and Devil are from a planet that far away from here. Maybe they live at Uranus like me!" Taehyung said. Bruh. Are you serious?

"Uhm....I don't think so." The teacher said. Then the teacher look at me. "What do you think about it, y/n?" The teacher ask me. Then the whole class look at me. Uh.....

"I think the Angel and the Devil hate each other? What am I kidding they totally hate each other." I only said that. Well, that's true tho.


Cool. Now I can finally forgot about what did that history class teacher said...


"Have you ever think about angel and devil getting married?" The teacher ask. Oh god I cringe so hard at that question. "Hurm....I think so?" The girl said. Oh god. Fuck that question.


I cringe after think about it. AGAIN. So let's Well...I think I will skip that. Oh wait I can't ....fuck it. Forget about it I'll just escape. I go to the rooftop. Cool. I think I can scan the book from up here.... I was about to do my job until someone disturb me. "Miss, what are you doing here?" A guy said. Oh shit. "I just wanna take some fresh air." I said. " the way, my name is Jimin." The guy said. "Y/n." I simply said. He was about to say something but I then exit the rooftop.


I didn't eat again. I go to the rooftop to continue my job. But when I arrive there....I saw 7 weird guy eating while talking to each other. " you mind but this is not the place where you guys should eat." I said. Bluntly.

"Y/n!!" Taehyung come to me and freaking hug me. What the fish. "You know her?" Namjin said. I guess that's his name..?

"Yup. She's my history classmate!" Taehyung said. I still stand there looking at them like I don't give a fuck if you die. (Well that's obviously not true).

"By the way y/n I will come to your house with my friends." Namjin said.

"Wait what. Why?" I ask, kinda shock because I don't even know his friends.

"Because.........we wanna hang out with you!!!" Jimin or Jumin? Said. "And why would you want to hang out with me?" I ask again. "Uh... because I think that you doesn't have any friends?" Jun said oh wait his name is Jin not Jun. Wow. I'm kinda proud because I can remember their names. Except for some of them who I don't know at all. "So....can we come?" Taehyung ask. "Sure." I said, don't really give a fuck.


I wait at the rooftop until nobody are in the school except for the teachers. After making sure that nobody are in the school, I scan the entire city of Seoul. But too bad, there's no signal about the angel book. Fuck it.


Y/n walk to her house because she can't just fly to her house everyday or else people will see her. Arrive at her house, y/n got a message from someone.

Unknown : Hey.

Y/n : Who the hell are you?

Unknown : Namjoon.

Y/n : Ohh....what do you want, kid?

While Namjoon is typing, y/n save his number as......

Namjin : Just telling you that I just search some facts about America.

Y/n : Oh okay.

Y/n then decided to end the conversation there because she still didn't find the angel book. 'Fuck' y/n thought.


"Hyung. How are we going to open this weird looking book?" Jungkook said. "Simple." Namjoon take the book and a hammer. He then hit the book using the hoely hammer. "Well I thought you are the god of destruction." Jin said, laughing at Namjoon faceu.


A/N :

Oh wow. This is a really long ass chapter. By the way, just wanna know. What do you think about this book??

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