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Before we continue this chap I just wanna say thx you for the 1K read, I love you guys so much and I'm sorry for not updating this book for such a long time. And now let's continue this chap :)


"Y/nnNnNnn.... I waNt a hUg tOoo" I said cutely.

"Awww.... Hoeseok want a hug too" Y/n come to me and hugs meh. FuCk yeaH I fiNaLLy gET a hUg fROm y/N.

"So y/n, who are this guys?" Vernon suddenly interrupted my lovely dovey moment with y/n. And because of that, she ended the hug.

jHoPe iSh saD


"Oh, they're my friends from earth." Y/n said and look at Vernon who is now looking at me with a glare.

Before Vernon could say something, a girl burst into the living room.

"WhO tHe fUc-" Jungkook sentence got cut off by y/n.

"HyEMiniE paBo mY hOe!" And then she run to the HyeMin gurl and hugs her.

"Be hOnEsT wiTh mE biJ, dO yoU haVe aNy bOyFriEnd oN thE eaRtH?" She pokes HyeMin's cheek.

"BrUH doNt diStuRB mEh. I neeD tO giVe yOur mOm sOmeThiNg" HyeMin forcefully push the girl who is legitly clinging onto her right now.

"I sWeaR tO gOD- yOoNgi taKe yOur giRLfRiEnD baCk" HyeMin said-

WaiT waT? YooNgi's hYuNg giRLfriENd?? THe FuCK maN.

"She is not my girlfriend." Yoongi hyung said with a straight face.

"Pft.. siGh oMG y/N LooK! A chiCkEn thaT caN daNce!!" HyeMin said excitedly while pointing at one direction.

"WhERe¿" Being the stupidest person on this whole galaxy, all of us including y/n and Vernon look at the direction. And suprisingly......




TheRe iS a fUckiNg chiCken tHat iS danCiNg.

"oH mY gaWd, yOu loOk deLiCiouS coMe hERe Lil cHiCken-"

And with that y/n let go of HyeMin and chase the dancing chicken.

"Thank life." HyeMin walk into the kitchen and then-

"OH maN hOeLy shiT wHat thE fuCk iS diS... whY aM I fuCkiNg heRe.. riTe iN frONt oF mY saLaD-"

We heard HyeMin cursing so much.

Guys I'm sorry for this update. It is really short I'm so sorry ^^;

Anyways, I hope you still enjoy this  book. See ya on the next chapter

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