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|| JIN P.O.V ||

My mom sense is tingling. I look around and.... Oh shit where is y/n?! I started to panic and without hesitation I slap all of them.

"STOP FIGHTING. WHERE THE FUCK IS Y/N?!" Looking at my angry face, they immediately stop fighting and quickly look around to see if y/n is anywhere to find. As the older one in this mini stupid idiot group, I walk around and look for any sign of y/n.

"There's no sign of her." Vernon said to us. For the first time, he talk to us like we're not his enemies.

"Does anyone see where did she go when we argued??" Everyone shake their head 'no'. I sighed.

"Let's go find her. If someone found her, tell the others too, got it?" I give them an order and walk to every place that y/n could be.

|| Y/N P.O.V ||

"Jagiya.... Don't you happy seeing me??" He said with a pout at the end of his sentence. Since I don't wanna get in trouble, I smile and pinch his cheeks. Even though he knows that I won't run away, he chain me. Like the hell?

"I am more than happy." To be honest I feel stupid. Why won't you just run away from him y/n? Oh great now I'm mad at myself. I freeze when Taeyong suddenly kiss me.

"I love you y/n..." He whisper at me. If only I can punch the shit out of him right now.

"I love you too." I said, trying to hide the fact that I said it forcefully.


We have searched for y/n for almost 3 hours and yet, we don't find any sign of her. This idiot... Where did she go?

"How about we ask HyeMin?" Jimin said. All of us think for a moment.

"Maybe she can help us to find y/n? They are best friends right?" Jimin continue to talk. And since we don't want to waste more time, all of us agreed and then Vernon teleport us to HyeMin house.

|| HYEMIN P.O.V ||


Okey, who the hell brave enough to knock my door when I'm busy watching my favorite movie. Forcefully, I swing open the door and then the first thing I see is JungKook, one of y/n friends.

"What are guys doing here-"

"You NEED to help us! Or more like help y/n!" JungKook cut off my sentences and without my permission, all of them enter my house. Even though I feel kinda annoyed. Hearing my friend's name, I order them to sit on the couch.

"What happened to her??" I ask, curious. Everyone will be curious if someone come to their house and said that something happened to their best friend, right?

"She got lost!" Jhope said, panicked. The atmosphere turn to quiet for a moment until I talk.

"Why do you think she's lost?"

"We don't know where she is and y/n always tell us where in the hell she is. See, she didn't even reply my messages!" Taehyung show me his phone and yes, y/n didn't even read the messages. I quickly try to call her using my phone. Before I could do that, an unknown number call me. Doesn't care about the unknown number, I accept the call.

"Hello?" Quiet. No reply at all.

"If this is a prank I'll make sure that you'll dead in my hands." I said, trying to scared the one who calls me. When I was about to end the call, I heard someone laughing. A guy laughing. A maniacal laugh.

"HyeMin... HyeMin... You're the same like always. Pretending to be tough outside but actually a softie in the inside." The guy said. This voice... Sounds familiar.

"Even though you object my relationship with y/n a long time ago... I still got her in my arms and guess what? She still loves me!" Oh shit. No hell fuc-

"Listen here HyeMin, if you try to take y/n away from me again... I'll kill that E'dawn dude."

"You asshole. Who do you think you are? I didn't let you date her because I wants to protect her! If she date you, that mean she's in trouble. Let me repeat this again, ANGEL CAN'T DATE DEMON YOU JERK."


"Tch" I end the call and throw my phone on the couch. All of them flinch.

"What's wrong?" Yoongi look at me with a worried face.

"He got y/n"

"Who got y/n?"

"Taeyong, her supposed to be dead ex boyfriend" all of them shock.

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