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imma post them one by one so be cLam aND jUSt wAit FOr iT :D

starting off with the eldest and keep in mind that the following chapters are random like- as an example you could be in a forest together with one of them.

YuP verY rANdoM :D

(Its an ending chapter for each one of them)

So i hope yall can wait because yall know how slow af I am :")

Liek, very slow af :")

oh and for the ending,  you choose to be a human!

why?  idk lmfao i just thought it would be fun exploring the world instead of staying in heaven and rule it. (its not logic at all and that sht make my mind goes like 'btch this is not lOGic aT aLL liEk- sTop' so yeah reality human life is more fun) if yall doesnt understand any sht that i put here,  just wanna say its 3 am when i was typing all of this so yEaH raNdOM tyPiNg sht wiTH auThOr :)

alright i will stop now,  byebye!

p/s (pARK SEONGHWA LMFAO JKJK) :: i have a slight fever because why tf not. But no srsly i have been sneezing and it is annoying af.



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