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93 3 1

"Oh my God, Namjoon what happened-"

"Shushhhhh, don't mention it. I know I look hot with all these creams on me,"

"That sounded wrong, Namjoon" Y/n laughs and takes a couple of tissues before wiping off the creams on Namjoon's face.

"What were you even trying to do?" She asked, poking on Namjoon's right cheek for a second. Looking around her kitchen, oh hell no. The whole place is... A mess! Oh, God.

"I was trying to make a cake for our anniversary," Namjoon said innocently. He saw the face on Y/n's face when she was looking around at the kitchen and that's not a good sign.

"Sigh, thank God that I love you," She said while shaking her head slightly.

"I love you too, ♥" Namjoon said, pecking on the girl's forehead quickly before moving on to clean up the mess.

"Yah yah, did you finish making the cake tho?"

"Yup, it's in the oven," Namjoon said while mopping off the eggs all over the floor. Y/n looks at him while shaking her head. A soft smile could be seen on her face.

After two minutes of watching Namjoon, he's hot okay, so-

Finally making up her mind to help him, she takes all the utensils and put it in the sink, washing it with a calm heart. Lmao. Not long after that, she heard the soft ring sound coming from the oven. Turning around her head to look at the oven, Y/n then let out a screech. A loud one.

"WHAT THE ACTUAL FAWK KIM NAMJOON I HAVENT EVEN TURN MY HEAD TO LOOK AT THE CAKE," Seeing the cake, deadass smashed beautifully onto the floor, Y/n let out a dramatic cry. Kneeling in front of the cake, Y/n then sobs smsm.

Namjoon, feeling bad for ruining the cake and laughing at his wife, quickly take his phone and ordered a whole ass cake for them. Kneeling in front of the sobbing Y/n, Namjoon then wipes her tears away, gently patting one of her cheeks afterward.

"There, there, its okay. I ordered a whole ass cake for you so stop crying you rat-"

Earning a smack from Y/n, Namjoon let out a loud groan. Now, it is his time to sobs his eyes out.

"Thats for the cake,"

"I kinda deserve that not gonna lie,"


Smiling, Y/n then stand up and turn to go clean the cake whos chilling on the floor. Pulling his wife's hand, Namjoon then pull Y/n into a tight hug, whispering softly into her ear,

"I love you,"

"I love you too," 

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