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Jimin P.O.V

"Wait,wait,wait,waiiittttt.... Whaaatttt??" I heard Taehyung said with a blank face. Don't worry Taehyung, you're not the only one who is confused as hell right now.

"Supposed to be dead boyfriend? The fuck are you talking about?" Namjoon hyung asked HyeMin with an annoyed face. Well, maybe because he's annoyed at the fact that Y/n's ex boyfriend came and kidnapped her.

"Yeah, if he's supposed to be dead, how can he came and took Y/n away??" Yoongi hyung asked with a cold tone. He's annoyed too, sksksk.

"Well listen here bitches, first thing first, I don't know how can he still be alive and breathing right now but I'm hundred percent sure that we should find Y/n asap." HyeMin said and start to packs her things up. No,no,no... She's not packing up some clothes or whatever, she just bring her phone. That's all.

"Where are we going?" I asked.


Well damn, I can't believe that I'm going to hell soon. Like, this is TOO soon, very soon to be honest.

"Well, I guess this ex boyfriend of hers is a... demon?" Jin hyung asked while looking an explanation from HyeMin.

"Sigh, yes." HyeMin looks at her phone first and dial a number.

"Who are you calling?" JungKook ask while standing beside HyeMin.

"Y/n's parents. We need some army to kill this brat." Woah- an army??? Does this ex boyfriend of Y/n is too strong or what?? Does he have the power of Thor?! or he can change into a green guy like Hulk?? Damn, I'm scared.

"Hello, Mrs.Kim??" HyeMin started the conversation and walk a little far away from us. I look at everyone including Vernon.

"Sigh... Y/n won't get kidnapped if we didn't fight at the first place." Jhope hyung said with a sad face. All of us look down for a moment, feeling really disappointed with our own stupid behaviour. Why are we so stupid and childish?! Ugh!

"You're right.... I shouldn't have feel jealous every time I see Y/n with you guys." Vernon said with a sigh at the end of his sentence.

"Huh? What do you mean? You guys are engaged anyway, right? So why would you feel jealous" Yoongi hyung asked.

"Her mom wants me to marry her but I know that Y/n only sees me as a friend. And no more than that. Plus, Mrs.Kim changed her mind. Didn't she said it before? The first guy to win y/n heart got to marry her." Vernon said.

"Well whats the difference between us?? Y/n only see us all as her friends. No more than that." JungKook said this time.

"Nope, I can see it. She likes one o you but I don't know who."

Hearing what Vernon said, all of us freeze for a moment. Y/n like one of us?? Who??? Me?? Jhope hyung?? Yoongi hyung?? Who???

"Guys!" We heard HyeMin shouted at us from afar. All of us turn our head toward her and look at her.

"Lets go to the castle first. We need to have a plan."

"Why can't we just barge in and kill this Taeyong dude?" Jin hyung said impatiently.

"Because he's a psycho and he would killed you first before you can even look at Y/n." She said seriously and look at Vernon.

"Bring them to the castle. I'll catch you guys up later." She said again and go back into her house.

Since all of us want to save Y/n asap, we teleport back to the castle using Vernon's power. Sigh... I hope y/n is okay.

Taeyong P.O.V

I look at Y/n who is sleeping peacefully on my bed. No, I didn't rape her or touch her... yet.

"Sigh... I love you so much." I said while starring at her beautiful face. I caressed her cheek gently.

"Why can't you look at me the way you look at me a few years ago?? You're eyes... it didn't shine as soon as you saw me. But you looked... scared. As if I'm a killer. Well, I am but I did all of this for us! For you! For me! For our future!" I clenched my fist for a moment. Looking at her sleeping figure made me calm yet, I still feel sad and anger. Sad because I know that she didn't love me anymore. Anger because I know that she probably love someone else. And that someone is probably not me.

"Its okay Y/n.... I'll make you love me back. No matter what it takes. I'll make you mine back. Even if it mean I need to kill more people." I said and lays beside her. Slowly, I drift off to sleep.

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