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Taeyong holds Y/n tighter. While the girl is struggling to break free from him, Taeyong stare at her with a smile.

"I miss you.... You know..." He said. The girl just look at him with an uncomfortable look.         

"Do you still remember..... What did I said before I left you? " Y/n freeze.


A long times ago...

"Y/n!" A boy cling onto the girl. He loves her so much and promise that he will protect and loves her until his last breath.

"Taeyong~" She kiss Taeyong and being the couple they were, Taeyong kiss her back.

Before they could have their date at the beach, y/n got a call from her parents.

"Y/n! Go home now!"

Y/n gulps. Why? Because she was dating a demon. Angels can't be with demons, that's what her father said.

Seeing y/n looks at him worriedly, he calm her.

"Don't worry... Your father won't hurt you." He said while gently pats her head.

"I'm not worried about myself.... Its you... What will happen if your parents find out about us? About our relationship?" She hugs him as if she's gonna lose him at that moment.

"Hey.... Look at me." Taeyong holds her chin.

"If I die.... Remember that I will always loves you." And with a blink, Taeyong gone. Y/n was shock.

'Where did he go?' she thought.

And after that, a rumor spread everywhere about one of the demons prince, Lee Taeyong, got killed by his parents for dating an angel. Y/n cried in her room for a few hours, her parents know that she loved him... But rules is rules. Angels can't be with demons.

End of flashback

Y/n look at Taeyong. The fact that he's still alive makes her happy. But the romantic feelings towards him.... Is already gone a long time ago.

She have moved on. She promise herself that she will stay single. Forever.

"Taeyong... I'm sorry but I can't be with you." The girl looks at him with a sorry look. He doesn't shock neither react to what does y/n just said.

"I leave my parents for you..... I betrayed them for you.... And I even killed them for you..." He said while starring at y/n beautiful eyes. Y/n flinch.

'He kill his parents... For me?' She thought. No... This is not the Taeyong that she once known. Taeyong was a guy who cares for everyone.

"... Let me go."Y/n continue to break free from his tight grips.

"I've let you go for long now..... And now that you're back to me... I won't let you go... ever...."

And with a blink, Taeyong teleport to place where he could hide his love. Y/n know that if she shouts, nobody can hear her and if she teleports to her home, she's afraid that Taeyong will kill her family too... So she just wait until her parents find her.

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