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Namjoon's P.O.V

I wait patiently for Y/n to appear out of nowhere in the air. Its been such a long time since we met each other and boi i miss her so much. And right after that, i heard Jimin screeching, well damn she must be here already.

Just as i was about to walk to the living room, suddenly, a veryvery heavy thing fall on top of me. I look up, seeing y/n smiling cheekily at me. I audibly let out a gasp, probably shook as heck. Y/n get off me and stands up, pulling out her hands to help me up, of course i accept it bruh.

"I thought you were in the living room" I said, looking at our hands that is still locking slightly. May i fanboy please-

"Well, I wonder why are you here in MY bedroom." Y/n look at me, smirking slightly when i stay quiet. Literally went speechless. Boi I've been caught-

"WeLL yOu sEe, mAaM, yOu hAvE bEeN gONe aNd wE aLL miss yOu sO LiKe-"

"You're the only one here tho"

"... this is exactly why i don't do lies"

Y/n laughs, slightly shaking her head when she heard me. Gosh she's so adorable. She then look at me, pulling me into a tight hugs afterwards. I, being the gentleman am i, hugs her back with a smiles sticking to my face. Looking around her room, she then left to the living room, telling me to come and follow her too.

"GASPPP Y/NNNN!!!!!!!!!!" Jungkook looks up, jumping off the couch and runs towards the girl, pullig her into a very tight hugs. Okay guys, lemme just.. iNHaLes, eXhAlEs.

"Did i hEaRD IT RIGHT?? OUR PRINCESS IS HERE???" Jin said, making a shock face right after he saw Y/n. With a smiles sticking on his face, he then pulls Jungkook away and hugs her, patting on Y/n's head slightly like she's a baby or something. I mean, she is a baby so-

Hoseok's P.O.V

"Y/niE mAiGod you'vE gRoWn uP" i heard Jin hyung said. Stretching slightly on the bed, I then opened my eyes. Well damn, i didn't know that a nap could be so long.

I was still blanked and tired so I didn't really care about whatever is happening outside, until, i heard it. I heard the voice that I've been missing so much lately.

With the power of Thor and Flash, I sit up straight on the bed and jumped off it, running towards the living room and immediately clings onto Y/n.

"ANGEL I MISS YOU SO MUCHHHHH" I said while hugging her. Do i look like a clingy ass mf right now? if yes then I don't care, I miss her okay so fuCK oFf

Cupping her face with my hands i then places a soft kiss on her forehead, making the one and only Kim Y/n blushed. OMG I MADE HER BLUSHED ARGHHHHHHH

"Hi hoseokie, miss you too" she said with that soft voice of hers. Oh lord I miss her so much soBs

Jimin P.O.V

Oh my god Hoseok hyung is taking too long- i miSs mY y/n tOo gRrrRr

With a very rough push, (hey i know im tiny but that doesn't mean im not strong), I fLiPpEd hOseOK hYuNg aNd tHeN hUGs Y/n wHO looKs vEry coNfused anD coNcerNed aT tHe sAMe tiMe.

"Y/n i miss you" I said, pouting cutely since i know this is one of her weakness :: mY cUtEnEss and sexineess of course but no ;)

"Oh- chimchim, i miss you too!" She said, smiling softly and pokes both of my cheeks, squishing in it gently afterwards.

okay good job jimin now kiss her!

I looks at her pouting more and she just tilts her head, probably confused by my action bUT wHo careS sHe LooKs cUTe as fuCc-

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