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So where the fuck did we left this book at? Oh yeah right the part where someone holds Y/n hand. Y/n looks at the guy and guess who is it?

Its JungKook. Damn the fetus is making a move on you-

Anyways, back to the story.

"JungKook? Yoongi is suppose to be my 'lover' not you." Y/n said, confused about where did that sweg dude go.

"Oh about that he told me to replace him because of some shit, so don't worry." The fetus said.

And then the two love birds sits legitly beside HyeMin and E'dawn's table. The weird things is they didn't realize that y/n are drooling over the fact that her lonely whale friend is finally getting a boyfriend.

"So, you rejected me just because you wanna be single? That's ridiculous!" Y/n heard E'dawn said that and she accidentally let a really loud gasp.

HyeMin looks towards their direction and become the most stupid person on this world, JungKook covers their faces and acted like they were kissing but the shit is.

They ARE kissing.


Hm... I thought I heard Y/n gasp back there... Eh, must be my imagination. Anyways, back to the shitty conversation.

"Dude, look, I do like you but I don't know if the reader will let me date a guy in this book." I said.

"Reader? HyeMin what the actual fuck are you talking about?" He look at me with a confused face.

"Never mind. I just need some times to think about your confession."

"When will I get the answer for my confession then."

"Maybe never."

"Awwww come on!!" He pouted and slam his damn face on the table.

"Damn boi you really are that desperate." I laugh at his cuteness-

Wait HyeMin wtf did you just said? He? Cute? Omg you are the most weird girl I've ever meet in my whole entire life-

"Can you at least gimme a chance to make you fall in love???" He asked while his head is still on the table.

"Sure. Why not give you a try and fail miserably?" I said a little bit challenging him.

"Okey (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)"

~ Y/N P.O.V ~

BiaTch whY aRe wE kiSsiNg-

Suddenly JungKook break the kiss. I don't know how does he break a kiss but whatever.

"Dude wtf." I said with a jungshook face.

"I'm sorry! I was panicked and accidentally kiss you!"

Hm.... Are you sure about that dear fetus? Because I can see that you are blushing right now.

"Just for your information, that is not my first kiss."

And boi I can see that he is disappointed af.

"Well then.. Who is your first kiss??" He asked me.

When I was about to answer that question, I heard HyeMin said

"Never mind. I just need some times to think about your confession."

SoMe fuCkiNg TiMes? ArE yOu fuCkiNg joKiNg mE RiGht nOw?

And after that I continue to hear all the conversation between my lonely friend and the chosen dude.

Suddenly my ship exit the cafe and go somewhere else.

They must be going to a hotel and fuc-

"What are you thinking?" My dirty mind got interrupted by JungKook.

"Eh... Nothing." I smiled innocently and with that we exit the cafe together.


As we exit the cafe, we suddenly heard a guy scream at us.


"Oh shit." We cursed.

Wow wow wow, I finally make a kiss scene. *claps* I think this is the first romantic part I've done so far in this book. (Except for the 'surprise' cuz it is not included in this story) Anyways, just wanna know if you guys ship HyeMin with E'dawn and want some momento between them (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). But what's the most important shit is that you guys enjoyed this chapter so yeah bye~

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