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I meet up with Leo around the warehouse to talk bout some business. Leo like our manager , accountant, and lawyer at the same time. She smart as fuck.

I pull up to the warehouse and walk in. I see Leo in my seat in my office cocked up.

"Good evening" she says interlocking her fingers.

I walk over to her and hit her arm" nigga up outta my chair, and it's early afternoon"

She hopped out my chair and leaned against my desk. I sit down and put my phone on the desk.

"Ight so wassup" I ask, her man mood slys and her eyes drop.

I ease out of my chair and lean on my knees," what happen Leo" she huffs and sits good.

"James escaped ... Kaylo was on watch out but Kaylo didn't notice" she explained .

My eyes started to rage with anger, I shot up and dashed everything on the floor. Leo hopped up and backed away.  I build up my fists and punch the table." Wheres Kaylo now" I ask.

"He out with Dom looking for him" I huff and clutch my head. " you good Ree" she questioned.

I nod as she slowly leaves the room. I sigh and sit back on the seat. I through my head back when my phone rings . I boo my head and pick it up.

Me: Hello?" I answered.
MV: Miss Ree, I'm due to meet you again this week" 

Me: Uh yes when exactly". I question

MV: this Friday night 9:00"
Me: Ok thank you Miss vergo" I hang up and throw my head back on the chair.

Shit is grunting slowly. I shoot up and leave the warehouse.
I jump in the car when my phone rings again. I look over at it was Ari. A smiled formed on my face as it had soften.

I answer with nonchalant greeting" wassup "

Ari: wassgud, how your face
Me: it's ight nun to worry bout
Ari: coo coo

Me: you missed me that much that you needed to check up on me b.
Ari: hahah wish a nigga would
Me: mhmm bet.

Hearing her laugh made me feel good, even though she a bit masculine and all she was still feminine and I found that attractive as hell.

*dang I'm attracted to a stud*

Ari: hello?

I regain reality and realised I went silent from my thoughts.

"You tryna hang out later" I said... not realising I just invited her over.


Ari: uhh yeh I guess, I'll swing by later.
Me: ight .

I hang up and sit back. I just asked her over, how the fuck did I do that. I sigh and start my car before driving off.

I arrive home and notice Ma ain't here. I high up stairs and strip off only my sports bra and joggers.

I slump on my bed as I played on my phone. I got a text from Dom.

SisDom🤑: wussup bruh you good
ZaddyRee😋: yeh man I straight

SisDom🤑: what happened with you and Saz the other night.

I roll my eyes and scoff..

ZaddyRee😋: bitch kept slapping me so I left
SisDom🤑: just random nigga?

ZaddyRee😋: well I did set her off, she saw me kiss Ari on the cheek.

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