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Today was the day I was finally being discharged .. and my ass was excited , the food here tasted like ass ( not the good kind) all my nurses were old like no bad bitches and damn a girl can clean her damn self. I got dressed into the clothes Dom had sent me, I ruffled my hair in the mirror and sat down as the doctor walked in." You all set" he says clutching his clip board, I nod and smile slightly. He hands me a paper bag and a sheet"these are your medication .. if you have any problems" I grab hold of them and smile mediocrely. He spins on his heels and leaves the room. I sat on the bed and checked my phone. I looked through my messages and some things made sense to me again. There was this one chat Named 'Babygirl💍' .. at first I guessed it was Saz, but then I read through it and it Was Ari, why would I save her as babygirl, she isn't my girl so might as well change that. I changed to 'Ari 🎒'. The time had pass and I was getting really tired .

I had been sitting here for about fours hours and Saz hadn't picked me up yet. After an hour or so I got fed up and texted her.

ZaddyRee😋: baby wya
Saz👅: oh sorry bae I got caught up .. mind taking a cab
ZaddyRee😋: whatever mane
Saz👅: I'll make it up to you after baby 😉
ZaddyRee: ok b 😏.

I rolled my eyes and shoved it in my pocket, bitch forgot to pick me up .. great. I hopped off the bed and grabbed my prescriptions. I waltzed out my room and headed for the exit, I stood out side and looked at my surroundings, I sighed and walked over to the bus station. I sat on the bench with my elbow on my knees and huffed. Then I remember," where da fuck do I live". I rolled my eyes and pulled out my phone .. the only one I could really talk to was Ari , so I decide to call her.

Me: yo wassgud
A: yo b you gud?
Me: uh kinda , I'm still at the hospital
A: how come you get discharged today
Me:yeh but Saz couldn't pick me up.. and I don't know where I live haha
A: stupid  hahahah I'm on my way.

I laughed and hung up, Ari was nice and funny too .. my ass lucky to have her as a friend , but when I'm around her I alway feel like we had something more . Like a lil spark between us. After a few minutes of me playing smashy roads , I saw her pull up . I smirk and she whines down the window. I stumble over to her car and smile," get in foo" she says with a smile on.

I chuckle and hop in. She looked pretty good, even though she had basket ball shorts on with a jumper and sliders. I slouch in the chair and peer out the window. Every now and then I glared at Ari and admired her .. damn I know she a stud and all but she can still get it.

I glared at her one last time when she had caught me .. I quickly turn my head back to the window as she laughs. Her laughs was adorable and don't even get me started on her smile.

"Wassup Ree see sum you want" she says and she steers, I scoff and shake my head turning it to her. "Nah b we good" I replied without hesitation. I was easy talking to Ari , she was so laid back and opened minded .. she was funny to , the shit this girls comes up with is hilarious. We pull up to my drive way and she turns the car off. " you ready" she says softly turning to me.

I nodded and slightly smiled. She hops out of her side and opens the door for me. I shrug and get up along with the help of her. We approach the door when it burst open with a welcoming hug from my mom" ahh my baby finally home", I roll my eyes playfully "I'm not a baby last time I remember I was 19" I mocked as I entered the house with Ari.

"Yet yo ass forgot yo own family" she snarled, I laughs a she shrugged my shoulders.. I wondered round and looked for Dom. I hadn't seen her, I set my self on the couch and lay back.. so much softer than that tight ass hospital bed. "You ma did Reece really bring that hoe he-" Dom got cut off as she peered up at me, she cracked a lil smile and I did the same.

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