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"When did you cut yourself?" I asked her, full seriousness, needing to know the full truth. I couldn't wait any longer to find out what had been going on. She was hurting and lying to me.

"They are from before I came here," Lexi and I had stopped on a bench by the park even though it was starting to rain, but at that moment it was only drizzling a little.

"So they are old?" I questioned.

"Yes Gracie," she assured me. I nodded, although I was not too sure that I believed her.

"If you say so, just don't do it again. If you ever have the need to do it, ring me, text me, I don't care if it's three in the morning. If you need me, if you don't need me, call me," I was a very light sleeper so I would have woken up even if she just texted me.

"I will," she nodded, then added, "thank you," She smiled at me and that small motion made my heart beat faster. She was doing that to me, she was really making me feel like that.

"Whenever," I repeated, making sure she understood my offer and how much I had actually meant it. I would have answered her without a second thought if she rang me in the middle of the night.

She nodded before saying, "I should get going," I wanted to make sure she was going to be okay so I suggested walking her home. Of course, Lexi being Lexi, she declined my offer.

She held her arms out for me, which seemed so strange because it was something unusual for her, she wasn't a hug person but she seemed to open up to me more than I'd expected. I wrapped my arms around her, the embrace gave me such warmth but Lexi pulled away shortly after. I felt the hollowness when her arms left me, like it was instantly taking a part of me away. I couldn't do that, I didn't want to feel like that so I let her walk away.

"Bye," I said quietly, it was a miracle that she still heard me.

"Bye Gracie," She waved, it felt like a proper goodbye.


I was dreading going back home, I couldn't stop thinking up many crazy scenarios of what will happen, some good, some bad and some too shitty to explain.
When I finally arrived at my house, I let out a breath, unlocked the door and stepped inside. I was getting more nervous by the minute but I told myself it would be okay, everything would be fine, if I said it enough I might have actually started to believe it.

The front door clicked into place but it was a lot louder then I thought it would be considering how I took my time slowly inching the door forward centre metres at a time. Clearly someone else heard it because they came running down the stairs.

"Lexi?" My mums voice boomed down the stairs. I debated opening up the door, running down my street and not coming back but it was too late because she was on the second step and had already seen me.

"Lexi is that you?" Her footsteps got louder as she got closer to the bottom step and closer to me.

"Yeah mum, it's me," I said, releasing a sigh, hating the way 'mum' sounded coming from my own mouth.

She stared into my eyes for a while before saying, "Oh Lexi, you came back for me," with no emotion what so ever. Not really, I came back because Gracie told me to. I nodded and smiled nevertheless. Why was I acting like that?

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