Three doctors came rushing in when they heard Caleb's heart monitor, indicating that we were losing him and they had to try to save his life. We were pushed towards the door when two more entered, carrying a bunch of equipment. They were shouting things to each other that I certainly didn't understand but I gathered that it was serious. When I heard the irregular heart rate racing from the machine I thought Caleb had woken up, or at least tried to but that wasn't the case.Blake nudged my side, "He's strong Lexi, he's made it this far, he can do this," His eyes were full of hope, but I knew, just like the rest of us he didn't believe Caleb was going to be okay. He just needed some reassurance to help him stay strong. I nodded and gave him a small smile which seemed to help a little, he was no longer shaking.
"You don't have to be here you know," Blake spoke to Charlie, who was sat beside him on the low hospital sofa. I hadn't seen Charlie much but I could tell that Blake was glad for his support.
"Yes I do," He replied firmly, "I'm here," Charlie reached over to hold Blake's hand, that simple movement warmed my heart. It hurt though, Gracie hadn't looked at me properly since I told her I'd smoked weed with Caleb.
At that moment, Mrs H rushed over to us and embraced us all in a group hug. She had gone home for the night after hours of persuading. She hadn't slept in days and I was worried about her because I hadn't seen her eat anything either.
"What happened?" She questioned, her face still hung low, the lines under her eyes not changed in colour, and her skin still looked incredibly pale.
Gracie didn't say anything so I answered, "His heart monitor started beeping," I mentioned which made her wince, "We don't know what happened though,"
"They haven't told us what's going on," Gracie said, "I hate not knowing,"
"I'll find out," She said, her mum nodded, no emotion whatsoever, she'd always been hard to read ever since Gracie introduced me to her. It took me weeks for me to work out whether she liked me, even after that I hadn't been one-hundred-percent sure of her opinions.
She simply walked over to the frail lady hidden behind a small desk to the side of the room. I heard her explain our situation to the lady, then she walked over towards Caleb's room after being pointed in that direction. The four of us watched from the huge glass window, she was stopped at the door by a woman in a white doctors coat and surgeon mask.
After about an hour of waiting, one of Caleb's assigned doctors' entered the main waiting room for intensive care patients, the five of us rose from our seats and walked eagerly over to him.
"There was a trip in his recovery." The doctor read from his clip board, scribbled something down then fitted his pen inside his pocket.
"What do you mean 'recovery'?" Gracie asked, then continued, "He hasn't even woken up yet,"
"We found traces of a drug in his system," He told us, ignoring Gracie's question altogether.
The mention of drugs made my entire body freeze up, yet somehow I felt hot all over. Drugs. There were drugs in his system. What drug? I'd only given him weed. Had he taken anything else?
"From before?" Mrs H questioned, her eyebrows knotted. I knew what she was thinking, 'Why the hell would my son have taken drugs? He doesn't do that, he isn't like that,' but boy was she wrong about him, and her views on me weren't exactly accurate.
"Yes, must have been not long before the accident occurred," He stated, gazing back at his notes once again. I seriously didn't understand why he felt the need to write something down every time he spoke to us.

Becoming Hers
Ficção AdolescenteLexi Jones; the new girl who people either hated or loved, kind of like marmite. She brought along a difficult history, part of the reason why her number one rule in the new town was so important: No more relationships. But when she came across Grac...