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She just left, not one word as to why. Hanna, my best friend of eight years just up and left me. The past few weeks she had changed completely. She lied to me, avoided me and left me behind.

We used to be so close, I don't know what went wrong. Suddenly she just became a bitch and started to fade away, before I knew it she was gone completely.

I texted Lexi just after I heard the news from her father. He'd said how she left a note saying she needed to get out of town, that she'd be gone for a few weeks. He didn't sound angry on the phone, mostly hurt.

Lexi was at my house twenty minutes later not leaving me much time to think alone.

"Get in," I didn't ask where we were going, I simply got in the car and put my seatbelt on.

Lexi passed me a hot flask containing coffee. I raised my eyebrows at it, for the first time in my life I felt like that just wasn't enough.

I think she saw my look because she motioned towards the glove compartment. Inside was a plastic bag which I emptied onto my lap.

Three packets of Oreos, original, peanut butter and birthday cake ones. A smile set on my lips when I saw a four pack of Heineken.

"Oh I almost forgot, check the bag by your feet," Lexi instructed. I picked up another bag, that time it was paper, inside a bottle of vodka.

"I thought you might need it," She shrugged. Then she gave me this smile, it was kind of mysterious.

"You didn't steal it did you?"

"Caleb got me the vodka," She chuckled.

"Thanks Lex," I smiled, reaching my arm over to touch her hand.

"Don't thank me yet, there's a lot left to do," She mentioned.

The car ride wasn't silent, it's not how Lexi likes to drive. Neither of us spoke another word but we were both hanging onto the words booming from my phone.

'All that I want
Is to wake up fine
Tell me that I'm alright
That I ain't gonna die
All that I want
Is a hole in the ground
You can tell me when it's alright
For me to come out

Hard times
Gonna make you wonder why you even try
Hard times
Gonna take you down and laugh when you cry
These lives
And I still don't know how I even survive
Hard times
Hard times
And I gotta get to rock bottom

Walking around
With a little rain cloud
Hanging over my head
And it ain't coming down
Where do I go?
Gimme some sort of sign
You hit me with lightning
Maybe I'll come alive'

My mums cigarette packet was just lying on the kitchen island like it was there to tempt me. I've never smoked before, not once but that didn't stop me from taking the whole packet. I don't know what went through my mind to make me pick it up and shove the pack into my pocket.

When I was younger I grew up watching my mum get stoned or smashed in front of me. I promised to myself to never do that. I would not end up like her.

She'd come home most nights off her head and she would hit me, laugh in my face and call me names as I stumbled to the floor underneath her. I used to be so scared of her. I couldn't even sleep when she was drunk. I thought she'd do something to me when I was sleeping.

No one ever keeps their promises though. I don't need to be afraid anymore. She's a bitch but I'm no longer scared of her, of anything. Besides, I'm way better than her.

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