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After the phone call last night, it was nearly physically impossible to sleep. My thoughts were keeping me awake and I couldn't shut them up. I was thinking about my dad and my life back home  -or at least my old home. Would my dad have been proud of me? Or would he have agreed with mum, saying I'm a disappointment and a waste of space? There was also something else on my mind. Or should I say someone.

Gracie Heron. I just couldn't get her out of my head.

From the moment we first kissed, I knew she was toxic but that didn't stop me from wanting her. So that's when I knew that I couldn't give up, at least not yet. There was so much ahead of me so why should I have stopped just because of stupid shit my mum said? She didn't know anything about me, she was wrong about everything, I did matter and I was going to prove it to her. I'd do it for Gracie. For my dad. For Steph. For everyone who has ever hated themselves. I'd do it for me. Fuck my mum. Fuck everything else. I was doing it for the people who actually mattered.

I woke up that morning with a fair amount of energy, which was unusual, especially because I only got about four hours sleep. Not wanting to ruin the moment I didn't shuffle my position much. I lifted my arm effortlessly to pick up my phone; grabbed my headphones off of the floor, plugging them in to find a song to listen to. At least one that could prepare me for the day I had ahead of me.

I had quite a few playlists that I usually use on Spotify, but that particular morning I wasn't feeling any of them. Instead, I scrolled down the browse section. I honestly don't know why, because I never listened to the kind of music that is classed as popular. But for some odd reason, I had the urge to listen to something new.

Jackson left early for work that morning, to say he was noisy was an understatement; he could've just started banging frying pans together and that would've made the same amount of commotion. I could tell he was running late owing to the fact that he was swearing maniacally. I could hear my mum yelling at him to be quiet because she was trying to sleep, which was quite ironic seeing as how she was making just as much noise. That just made Jackson become even louder, he was clearly trying to piss her off. So that meant she'd be in a really bad mood that morning. Unfortunatley, I was going to be the one that had to deal with her. Thanks a lot Jackson. Thanks a fucking lot.

It took me half an hour to straighten my hair because I kept on getting distracted. Gracie had messaged me as I was in the middle of fixing a strand of hair. So I just replied to her telling me to call me.

"Morning, alien." She squealed, trying to hold back a laugh. It was cute, which made a smile spread across my face, making me light up instantly.

"Shut up!" I laughed even so.

"How's life on mars?" She asked casually, referencing our phone conversation from the night before.

"Fucking amazing." I said, with enthusiasm in my voice.

"Good to hear, can I come and visit some time soon?" Gracie asked.

"Anytime." I finished my hair, then walked over to one of my boxes of clothes that I still hadn't unpacked. What should I wear? I picked up my leather jacket with small silver studs and threw it over my shoulder onto my bed along with my black ripped jeans.

"What beanie shall I wear today?" I questioned, searching through the pile of two dozen beanies and a few baseball caps.

"Surprise me." She giggled.

"Okay, I should go I need to get ready." I said, picking up my phone and taking it off speaker.

"See you at school." She sighed.

"Yeah." Just as she hung up the call I found the perfect hat. Gracie was going like it.

I was just about to finish tying my shoelaces to my black high tops as my mum called me from her room, "Lexi, come here."

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