Unable to move, I stayed on the kitchen tiles until pins and needles were rising through me. My feet had became numb and I wanted to move because my back was crippling but I couldn't bring myself to, it seemed like so much work just to get up and walk away. Eventually I rose from the ground, after lying in the same position for so long it was a struggle to walk normally. My feet weighed me down because they were heavy as hell. It must have been hours that I was lying there for.Relief fled through my body when I realised what day it was, Saturday, which meant that I didn't have to go to school so I didn't have to attempt to hide the bruises that were added to my body recently. But then I remembered that I'd finished the school term so I didn't have to think like that anymore for a few weeks until my last ever term. We only had a five weeks left of school until we were out of there and it was mostly just revision sessions to prepare us for our exams.
My back cramped up and I could feel a burning sensation. As well as that my head was heavy and my whole face felt numb as hot flashes repeatedly hit me.
After I'd managed to stand up and stumble up the stairs I grabbed my gym bag and started to pack up the rest of my stuff that I hadn't managed to do the night before. Of course I couldn't pack everything, I could only take a small bag and even though I didn't have that much stuff not everything would fit. I packed some more of my jeans, t-shirts, shorts, hoodies, jackets, socks and underwear. I made sure to pick up my timberlands and my Nike Air Max 720 'Be True' trainers and shoved them into the bag.Then I walked over to my desk and picked up the small fairy jewellery box, I never put anything in it because I didn't like it, I honestly can't even remember why I packed it when we moved, maybe because I'd had it since I was a kid. I unlocked it with the little key that was already connected and my dad's chain necklace fell out. It shocked me because I hadn't seen that thing in years, probably since he got sick. As I held it in my hand I admired the gold chain, it was beautiful. I could remember my mother talking about it a while back, probably wanting to sell it. Had my dad hit it in the jewellery box for me so she wouldn't find it? I didn't care how it got there but I had it and I wasn't going to let it go any time soon. I fitted the chain around my neck then glanced at the bag on my bed. It was already nearly full and a lot of my stuff was still on the bed.
A huge sigh escaped my lips, I was exhausted but I couldn't let my eyelids close, I didn't want to be in that house any longer. My plan was to leave out of my window so I wouldn't have to face my mother or Jackson, I really didn't have the energy to have another argument. But then I remembered that my other good pair of trainers were downstairs as well as my basketball kit. I quietly and carefully made my way towards the hallway and double checked to see if anyone was there. The coast was clear so I tiptoed down the carpeted stairs. It was obviously a mistake not to check their bedroom before going down there, my mother was sat in the living room with the television on. I hadn't noticed her at first, but then she muttered out a "Alexis," without even turning around. Before saying anything back to her, I glanced at the clock which read three-twenty-one. Why was she up so early? I decided to just ignore her in the hopes of her doing the same and leaving me alone.
I entered the small laundry room and took my shorts out of the dryer and picked up the rest of my kit. I had to walk past my mother again to get to where my trainers were. I purposely avoided her gaze even after I'd grabbed my grey and orange Jordan 6 air retro's.
"You're moody this morning," She observed, after I hadn't reacted to her fake yawning and coughs. She always complained that I was miserable or in a shitty mood all of the time and it fucking annoyed me. Don't get me wrong, I was in a mood a lot of the time, like I was then, but not always, sometimes I just didn't want to talk to her, so I didn't, I ignored everything she had to say but then she got annoyed at me so she started yelling. There are times where I just feel so numb, and everything feels so heavy so I just move around sluggishly, not bothering to do anything that's required of me. And then that pisses her off too.

Becoming Hers
Teen FictionLexi Jones; the new girl who people either hated or loved, kind of like marmite. She brought along a difficult history, part of the reason why her number one rule in the new town was so important: No more relationships. But when she came across Grac...