The BackUp Dancer {Mindless Behavior & 8 Flavahz}

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The BackUp Dancer

New beginnings/ Miss You

~Kaelynn POV~

I'm so so so happy beyond words that could be found in the dictionary! I can not believe that I'm going to be a back up dancer for Mindless Behavior! I'm living the dream! Well actually the dream is to be in my own dance group but, it's a start! I've always loved them. Their style, voice, music, swag, their faces! Ooh I need Jesus! I might sound like a stalker.....oh well.

I entered my old dance studio to say good bye to everyone. I told the lady at the front desk Ms. Rachel that I'm here.

"Their all in the regular studio 5" she said smiling.

"Thank you Ms. Rachel" I waived before going to the elevator.

Once I got off I walked into the studio but all the lights were off.

"What the?"

"Surprise!" I jumped back into a table and fell over. The lights flickered on and everyone poped out.

The studio was decorated in all kinds of colors there are tables full of snacks and people every where. My dancer teacher helped me up and I hugged her.

"Thank you Ms. Halls" I smiled.

"Oh Hun don't thank me" she began "Thank Jaira and Camren. This whole thing was there idea" she smiled.

I looked around the crowed studio until my eyes set target on my bestfriends.

"Jaira, Camren!" I yelled running over to them.

"Kaelynn!" they yelled. Once we were together we did our little hand shake we made up and hugged.

"Thank you guys so much!" I released them smiling.

"Your welcome. If your gonna leave you might as well end it with a big bang in this case a party!" Camren laughed.

"Yeah! Leave your haters bitter and jealous" Jaira laughed.

"Kaelynn" we turned around, and there was the bitter, jealous haters coming our way. Madison, Veronica and Ashely.

"Um. Hi" I waived. We all dance hip-hop, jazz and sometimes contemporary together in the studio but those three girls think they the thang.

"I'm so happy that your leaving" Ashely clapped.

"Ashely don't even start this is not about you. And you know if you mess with Kaeylnn you mess with Jaria and I" Camren said.

"Whatever no one was talking to you" Ashely said rolling her eyes.

"Ashely I think your trying to start something you won't be able to finish" Jaira said getting in Ashely face.

"Jaira no one was talking to you either. Anyways" Ashely said turning her attention back to me.

"You won't be missed" she turned away whipping her hair in Jaira face and walked away with her minions.

"I swear just give me 5 minutes a lone with her" Jaira said pretending to strangle Ashely.

"She just asking for someone to beat the crap out of her I swear" Camren shook her head.

"I wish you two could come with me I'm go miss yall. I wouldn't wish staying here with Ashely and her minions on anyone."

"Where gonna miss you too" Camren hugged me "but on the bright side, your gonna be dancing with M.B!" Camren shouted.

"Yeah. Ask Roc when he go have my babies" Jaira laughed.

"Oh my god! You know what? I'm gonna tell him too!" I laughed.

"You wouldn't dare!" Jaira said all wide eyed.

"Watch me."

"Next thing you know there's gonna be a bunch of baby Roc juniors running around this place" Camren laughed.

"Whatever c'mon let's dance" Jaira pulled Cam and I to the middle of the studio where everyone else is dancing.


~Princeton~ POV

"What! What do you mean she's fired!" I yelled.

"She's fired Princeton. The new dancer who will be your partner will be arriving tomorrow" Dave our dance choreographer stated.

"But why?" I questioned. I just found out that Brittany my dance partner and girlfriend just got fired. She's been here for 4 years just like the rest of the dancers so why is she being fired?

"Tarty, talk's back and has a very bad attitude."

"So, everyone's a little tarty now and than and talk's back! And for the attitude well....... I really don't know what to say about that."

"I'm sorry Prince but she's leaving her last day is tomorrow" Dave said.

"Man!" I kicked the chair next to me and open the door and everyone fell in the office on top of each other.

"You cool, I'm cool, we all cool" Roc got up brushing off his shoulders. I shook my head and went into the studio.

"What happen?" Ray asked entering the studio with everyone else.

"Brittany's being fired over some petty ass shit. The new dancer is coming tomorrow and she has to be my partner" I sat of the floor pulling my legs to my chest.

"I'm gonna miss Brittany" said Shy'Anne a dancer who is Ray's partner.

"Yeah me too" Mariah said another dancer, Prodigy's partner.

"I don't care who she is I don't like her already" I shrugged my shoulders.

"C'mon you don't even know the girl" Mariah said putting her hands on her hips.

"So I don't give a fuck. Your not the one who as to dance with her instead of your girlfriend."

"Man you just acting like a baby because your girlfriend got fired. Boo-Hoo get over it. You don't have to be mean" Mariah said rolling her eyes.

"You better watch what comes out of your mouth Mariah" I said angrily.

"Whatever nigga. I'm out" Mariah said walking out chucking up her deuces.

"I don't care I'm not giving this chick a chance. I hate her."

"Aye! How about we ignore the new girl tomorrow and maybe she'll get the hint" Ray suggested.

"No Maybe if we irritate her so much for so long she'll just leave" Shy'Anne smiled.

"Than Dave will have to take Brittany back" I smirked.

"I don't know about this. That's just too much" Roc said.

"Nigga whatever. We doing this with or with out you" Prodigy said.

"C'mon Roc think of all the pranks we go be pulling" Ray said nudging Roc's side.

"What I miss?" Danielle Roc's partner said walking to us.

"Brittany's fired, we're getting a new dancer tomorrow who is Princeton's partner and these mofo's wanna pull pranks till she leaves" Roc informed.

"C'mon Danielle we need your evil ass brain" Shy'Anne smiled.

"I'm in! Brittany's my home girl I don't want her to leave either" Danielle smirked.

"Brittany's last day is also tomorrow so I'll tell her than" I said standing up.

"Oh we finna get this chick!" Ray said dapping Prod.

---------------------------------------------------- (A/N)

Hi guys! This is my very first Fan Fiction so let my know what you think and if you like it.

So this is a story about of course Mindless Behavior and 8 Flavahz!!

Pic of Camren, Kaelynn and Jaira in the mm

Fist person to comment gets a dedication!!!

So Comment and Vote!


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