Chapter 6

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Dinner went pretty well after that. Even though half way through I nearly headbutted the table from tiredness. "Ok, sweetie. I think it's time for bed." Mum smiled at me as she stopped my head from hitting the table again. I nodded sleepily and rubbed my eyes as Dad picked me up. "Say goodnight." He smiled. I waved to everyone and muttered a very sleepy, "Night." They all said goodnight mack, and Mum followed as Dad carried me back to my room. I must've fallen asleep along the way, cause I don't remember what happened after that.

Mal's POV

Charlotte fell asleep on Ben's shoulder as we reached the fourth floor and I smiled. Her cat ear headband was still on her head, so I removed it and held onto it while we walked up to her room. "Ben. Hey, Ben, be quiet. She's asleep." I whisper-yelled at Ben as he pushed the bottom door open. He nodded and crept up the stairs as I shut the door behind us and walked behind him. Wow, Charlotte must have some really strong magic, I thought as I looked at the black and purple around me. "She must be very fond of her real dad," I muttered as Ben pushed the top door open, revealing her bedroom. "Yeah, she is. Haven't you noticed?" Ben joked as I got Charlotte some pyjamas from the drawer. I giggled at him and watched as he took off her socks and her up to the elbow gloves, placing the socks in the laundry basket and the gloves on the dresser. I went over and changed her into her pyjamas whilst Ben looked out the window and towards the Isle. 

When I was done, I slipped Charlotte under the covers and kissed her head lightly. "Goodnight, sweetie. Love you." I whispered before standing up and pulling Ben out of the room. He seemed so transfixed on the Isle, that he nearly tripped as we walked out. "Careful! Why are you interested in the Isle after ten years?" I asked him as we walked down the stairs. He shrugged his shoulders and simply replied, "Dunno." I rolled my eyes at him and we went back to bed. I put my pyjamas on and snuggled up next to Ben. "Night, benny-boo." I teased. He chuckled and kissed the top of my head, "Night, baby." We both fell asleep after that.


Evie's POV

After dinner last night, I stayed up half the night making Charlotte some new clothes. I had seen what type of girl she was now, so I changed the colour of the skirt to purple and the grey stripes to black on the first outfit I had designed. Doug had tried to pull me away multiple times, but I just batted him away and continued to sew. In the end, he gave up and went to bed, leaving me to work by the lamp at my station. I think I went to bed at around four in the morning, I cant remember, but I definitely felt like crap in the morning.

"Morning Evie. How are you feeling this morning?" Doug smiled at ten in the morning. I groaned and put the pillow over my head as I replied, "Like Esmay did when had chicken pox." He chuckled and pulled the covers over me. "I told you not to overwork yourself. I'll leave you to catch up on your beauty sleep. I'll let the twins know not to bug you." He smiled before kissing my cheek and leaving the room. See, this is why I love Doug, he's caring and knows how to keep me happy. I put the pillow back down and fell asleep, smiling slightly.

Carlos's POV

Jane was running after James, trying to get him dressed while I brushed Carla's hair. "Your brother's trouble, isn't he?" I smiled at my daughter as I finnished her hair. She nodded and turned to me, "Let's help mummy!" I nodded and we started chasing after James, the three of us trying to catch him. All he had on was his underwear and socks, and he insisted on staying like that all day. "James, you seven years old, not seven months! You can't stay like that, what if Charlotte saw you like that?" I told him. He stopped immediately and Jane got him dressed. There, that did the trick.

Dude, who could still talk as Mal's truth gummy had backfired on him, jumped onto my bed and looked at Carla. "Take me for a walk? Please?" He asked her. I pretended to act offended, and Carla laughed. "You're silly daddy. Come on, Dude, we'll go and play with Millie and the dalmatians (Okie, forgot their names, but the humans in 101 dalmatians daughter. Understand who I'm on about??) in the park" She smiled at us. Dude jumped down and followed her, and I watched as James ran off to find Jake. Jane fell onto the bed and smiled at me, "James is such a handful!" I laughed and replied, "So was I when I was that age. Don't worry, he's just taking after me." She pretended to seem scared and we started laughing again. "Come on, let's go get breakfast. Besides, Mum wants to see us at twelve today." She told me. I nodded and put an arm on her shoulder as we walked towards the dining room.

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