Chapter 48

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Charlotte's Dream

I was with Kono outside the Hatters house, thinking of a way to stop Morgana. "Maybe we could try this plan?" I asked him, pointing at the plan he had made. We both heard the gate open and close, and looked up. 


There, in the same clothing as we last saw her, was Morgana. She stood proud and tall, smirking at me. "Why hello, Cheshire. So nice to see you again! And Markus, how I've missed you!" She said in a loud, happy voice. I stood up and glared at her, "What are you doing here, Morgana?" Hatter, Mallymkun and the March Hare all came out, confused at the noise. "What's going-" Hatter started. But he never finished. Morgana pointed a hand at him and he fell to the floor, dead. "Hatter!" Me and Mally shouted together. Mally feel beside the stiff Hatter, and I turned to Morgana. "You killer!" I cried, tears in my eyes. I grabbed the dagger on the ground and charged at her.

Smirking, she pointed her hand at me and I went flying back, into the dirt. Kono rushed over and helped me up, checking if I was alright. "Markus! Leave the cat alone!" Morgana called. He ignored her, aggravating the villain even more. With a wave of her hand, Kono fell to the ground next to me, stiff and lifeless. Screaming, I looked up at her and yelled, "Stop! Hatter and Kono did nothing to you! It's me you want dead!" Mallymkun jumped in front of me, her sword raised. March Hare pulled the two bodies away before taking Kono's dagger and standing in front if me too. "Worthless animals." Morgana sneered before my two friends fell dead as well.

That was it. I'd lost the battle...

I woke up with a jolt, tears streaming down my face as I leant against the wall. It was still dark outside, and Kono was asleep next to me, sleeping the opposite end though. Breathing heavily to try and slow my heart rate, I got up and went over to the Wi Dow, where the moon was shining brightly into the guest room. I looked up to see the "Cheshire" moon, with it's thin crescent in the shape of my dads smile. My smile. "Why did you have to leave me there?" I asked, looking at the moon, pretending it was Cheshire. "If you hadn't of left me on the isle, I wouldn't be in this mess." Sighing, I went back to bed, sleeping the same way as Kono so I could hug him. 

Kono's POV

When I heard Charlotte get back into bed, I immediately wrapped my arms around her. She was stressed, and the best I could do after getting her into this mess was comfort her. She soon fell asleep, and I just lay there wondering what we would do next. If Charlotte Cheshire was anything to go by, and not the Charlotte Beast (or is it Florian?) that she had grown into, then anything could happen. As I thought, I was soon pulled to sleep.


Back to Charlotte's POV

When I woke up, I looked at the clock on the wall and saw it read 9:34 in the morning. Perfect timing. "Kono. Kono, wake up." I whispered in his ear. He groaned and held me tighter, mostly so neither of us could get out of bed. "Kono Rolfe, get up now or I'll call you Markus for the rest of your life!" I whispered sternly. He jumped and fell of the bed, taking me with him. The both of us laughed and I got out of his grip before helping him. "Alright there?" I asked, smirking at him. "Oh, push off, princess." He replied sleepily, clearly annoyed at me. I sighed, "Fiiine. Get dressed, I'll see if Hatters up." With that, I left the room and shit the door behind me.

Instantly, I could sleep bacon being cooked and toast being made. "Mmmm..." I hummed as I slowly walked down the stairs. The smell was really strong now, and it led me to the kitchen. "Morning, Charlotte!" Hatter smiled when he saw me. "Hungry?" I nodded my head vigorously, making him chuckle. "Well, wait until Mally, March, Bayard and your father are here before we eat. So, maybe around twenty minutes? Go on, go get dressed." I nodded and walked away, not realising what he had said at first. Then it hit me. "Hatter, did you say my father!?" I called back to him. He nodded his head and I walked away to have a shower, panicking slightly. If my dad sees ms, he'll probably get worried and then try and take on Morgana! And I only have a month and a twenty-five days left! Pulling at my hair, I turned on the shower and jumped in, trying to take my mind off things. 

Once I got out the shower, I kade sure both males were downstairs before going into my room and getting dressed. I wore purple jeans with a black top, my black stuffed combat boots and fingerless gloves, alp g with my cat ear headband and purple leather jacket. To finish it off, I put the pocket watch around my neck and hid it from view in case saw the White Rabbit. 


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"Charlotte, breakfast!" I heard Hatter call up the stairs. "Coming!" Grabbing my jacket, I ran down the stairs and joined Kono at the table. As I sat down, Mally and March walked in. "Morning, guys." March smiled as he sat down and poured himself some tea. "Morning, March. Morning Mallymkun." I chirped back as my cat ears appeared for some reason, alon with my tail. "Why...." Kono trailed off, pointing at my new features. "Honestly, I'm not sure. But, this is Wonderland, so anything can happen." I replied as Hatter placed breakfast on the table. He smiled at me and then muttered, "I think Cheshire is almost here then. Tuck in, everyone!" We all piled food onto our plates, but I couldn't stop wondering why my ears and tail were showing. 

When Hatter sat down, I heard the front gate open and then close. Then I heard someone singing softly, "When I was just a kitten, they said I'd be a gem...." I ended up singing the last part as I told up, "But now that I'm a Cheshire cat, it's odd how odd I am..." Walking to the door, I opened it just in time to see Cheshire about to knock. He did a double take when he saw me, and shook his head in disbelief. "Ch...Charlotte? it really you?" He asked. I nodded my head. But I knew he would never believe me. Unless... "My head begins to jingle, most ev'ry time I nod. Obviously, quite obviously I'm odd." I sung quietly. Cheshire looked at me in shock before singing, "Each Christmas I go fishing, to catch a christmas cod. Cause obviously, quite obviously, I'm odd." A Cheshire smile grew on our faces as we sung in union, "When I was just a kitten, they'd said I'd be a gem. But now that I'm a cheshire cat, It's odd how odd I am!" We both laughed and I wrapped my arms around him in a hug. "I missed you..." I whispered in his ear, tears in my eyes. 

He smiled at me and replied, "I kissed you as well, kitten."

AWWWHWHWWHHWHWHW!!!!! I think I just died with family reunion love! Ok, hope this was ok, another big shoutout to:


And everyone else who has been blowing up my notifications from this book! I love you all and I'll cya in the next chapter! Bai!

X Caitlin X

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