Chapter 24

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Charlotte's POV

Over the next two weeks, I've been really really good and done almost everything I've been told. Almost. There's one thing I've got to do, but it's really disgusting and I don't want to do it.

"But, Cogsworth! Do I have to?" I whined for the millionth time as we reached the stables. This smells worse than a swamp! "I'm sorry, Charlotte. You work with animals best, and our usual person is sick. Please?" Cogsworth pleaded. I sighed and replied, "Fine! But don't expect me not to moan all the way through and probably throw up. Let's get started then." Cogsworth smiled and I walked into the stinking stables alone, putting on the gloves and boots provided. It smelled so bad as I entered the first stable that I nearly gagged. "ewwwie! I hate manure so much!" I muttered as I started shovelling the stuff into a wheelbarrow. Why did Hans just have to end up sick!?

Once I finished the first three stables, I felt sick and dizzy to the point I could faint. But there was no way I was laying on this floor! Going into the fourth stable, I smiled at Maximus, Rapunzel's horse, and started shovelling. "Hey, Max. This all stinks, how can you survive it?" I asked the horse, technically talking to myself. Maximus just neighed in response and I laughed, finishing his stable. "Well, four down, two more to go. Wish me luck!" I smiled before wheeling the horse poop to the pile. This is the most disgusting thing I've ever done, but it would be worth it when I end up going out on Halloween! I went to stable no. 5 and started shovelling once again, being careful to keep away from this horse. The horse was called Sahara and was Princess Jasmine's. Sahara couldn't be tamed by anyone other than Jasmine and her... dead mother. I've always been scared of Sahara, but if I wanted to go trick or treating, I'd have to push my fear aside and finish quickly. While I shovelled, I didn't notice for a while that Sahara staring at me with wide eyes, almost as if she was surprised I was in here. Finishing, I went to leave, but she blocked the exit. "Crap," I muttered under my breath, standing still and just waiting. Sahara started walking up to me, and I just stood there praying to God I'd get out in one piece.

After a moment, Sahara stopped walking over and let me leave. Running out, I shut her gate and sighed in relief that I was still alive. "Ok, only Peguses left and I can leave and take a long shower!" I told myself, tipping the manure onto the pile and heading for the flying horse's stable. Peguses neighed happily when he saw me, and he moved out of the way so I could clear up. "Hey, Peguses. Oh, Hercules and Meg said that they can't visit because of their new twins, Meaghan and Harrie. Sorry, bud. I'll see if someone else can fly you for a bit, yeah?" I told the horse as I shovelled. He gave an upset neigh, and I stopped shovelling and took off my glove. "It'll be ok, buddy. Hey, maybe I could fly you. But you'd have to promise not to drop me, ok? Come on, don't be so upset. Meaghan and Harrie are quite cute, to be honest, you'll love them when you meet them." I smiled, putting my hand on his head and pressing our foreheads together. He smiled - or that's what it looked like - before I went back to my work. I love that horse, he's just so special, don't you think?


"I did it! And I'm never doing it again!" I exclaimed to my parents as they entered my room. I had had an hour long shower and was sat brushing my wet hair while I had a dressing gown tied tightly around my waist. "Well done, sweetie. To be honest, I wasn't expecting you to go through with it. And you even managed to keep Sahara in check!" Mum smiled, kissing my forehead and taking the brush. I let her blow-dry and style my hair while me and Dad chatted about what we should do for Halloween. "Well, there's this big party at the school to celebrate, and I was wondering if you wanted to go too? They'll be sweet galore there, and I'll even buy you more if you aren't satisfied." He smiled as I played with my necklace. It wasn't my Cheshire Cat one though. Mum and Dad gave this to me on my eighth birthday, or a week after to be exact. It was a locket, and it was in the shape of a heart, see:

 It was a locket, and it was in the shape of a heart, see:

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I love the engravements on it. It always makes me feel happy to know that someone sees me as their daughter, even if it isn't my real family. 

"Yeah, that sounds awesome! But if it's a Halloween party, then you guys have to dress up too." I replied after a moment. Dad seemed shocked, which made Mum giggle. "What would your Mother and I go as then?" Dad asked with a smile. I thought or a moment, before coming up with the perfect idea. "You can be that couple from the movie. corpse bride! Mum can be the blue lady, and you can be the guy! It's perfect!" I smiled excitedly. Mum started laughing uncontrollably because Dad's jaw ended up on the floor at my idea. "Oh, come on, Benny Boo! It'll be fun!" Mum giggled, using the nickname that Dad hated. Apparently, some chick named Audrey used to call him that when they were together at school. But I can only imagine Dad going out with Mum if I'm honest. "Please, dad? Pretty please with a wonderland berry on top?" I pleaded, giving him puppy dog eyes. He always agrees when I give him puppy eyes. "Oh, go on then. Maybe Evie would even make the outfits like she did yours." He finally agreed. 

Woah, Evie made my outfit? Cool!

Hope you liked this chapter. Sorry for its crappiness, I'm a bit muddled with all these fanfics I'm reading and my other Descendants book to write as well! I'll cya in the next chapter, bai!
X Caitlin X

(P.S. Wonderberries are fake and are from my imagination only. Don't try and google it coz you might find nothing. Bai!)

Charlotte Cheshire: Adopted By The King And QueenWhere stories live. Discover now