Chapter 16

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Quick thing: I'm going to make the next few chapters on the topic of Charlotte running away, then I'm going to skip 4 1/2 years to when she is nearly 13. Ok, enjoy the story!

*** (Name these stars for me!)

Charlotte's POV

I woke up wrapped in blankets, on a bed that I knew wasn't the one I had slept in these past few months. Looking around the room, I saw Harry Hook sat on the floor, staring into space with my two bags on either side of him. He looked more like a memorial than a person, and it made me smile to see it. "Hey, Harry." I smiled, sitting up and rubbing my eyes. His attention turned to me, and for once I noticed he wasn't wearing his hook. "Morning, sleeping beauty. Or is it princess Charlotte now?" He teased, his trademark smile clear on his face. I smirked and replied, "Don't start that crap. No one's called me any form of royalty at all, and I want it to stay that way. So, how long have I been here then?" 

"Eh, a couple hours."

"And I'm where again?"

"My house. Well, dad's anyway. You're in my room anyway."

"Nice room. Any chance of a mini-fridge?"

"A mini what now?"

"I'm definitely home. Come on, I'm starving!" 

"Ok. Do you want to get changed or-?"

"Nah, it's fine. What's the point anyway?"

"True, come on then." I untangled myself from the million and one blankets around me before pulling on my boots and jacket. We walked out of his bedroom and down the stairs, me looking more like his daughter than his friend. "Woah, Charlotte Cheshire? That's the bundle of blonde you brought back?" CJ asked when she saw me. I smiled at her and she smiled back, throwing me a slightly bruised apple. Catching it easily, I waved to her as Harry led me outside. Captain Hook was sat on a chair, cleaning his hook. "Hey, dad." Harry waved to him, his own hook now on his hand. The Captain merely nodded, which made Harry frown slightly as he walked down the path. "Morning, Captain Hook." I smiled, making the old man look at me in shock. "My, my. Charlotte Cheshire. How was Auradon?" He asked, a small smile appearing on his face. I guess I must be a mini Evie; according to Yzma, she managed to make any villain smile with just a few words or her laugh. "Awful and pink! I much prefer here. This is home after all." I replied before following Harry out. The old Captain laughed at my words and his smile stayed there even after we left.

Harry seemed shocked at what I had done and asked, "Who are you, Evie's little sister?" I giggled and replied, "No! I wouldn't be seen dead in a tiara or makeup!" His usual smirk appeared as he held the door to the fish and chip shop open for me. We walked in and I saw Gil stuffing his face, as usual, and the TV buzzing in the background. I was able to catch a conversation between Doug and a random reporter going on.

D - Doug
R - Reporter

R - Do you know what happened to your wife and her friends?
D - They've gone somewhere to collect someone.
R - Is this somewhere the Isle? And is this someone the missing princess?
D - That information is classified. Sorry.
R - Isn't today Charlotte Cheshire's birthday?
D - Yes, that is correct. I really have to go-
R - Can you tell us more about the missing Princess and her whereabouts?

Princess? Me? Yeah right! Harry lifted me up onto the table, where all the pirates cheered at my return. "Welcome back, Princess Charlotte." I heard Uma's cold vice say as she joined her crew. I sighed and looked her in the eyes, "Don't you dare call me a princess! Like you said, you can stick a tiara on a villain, but they're still a villain." I took something from her belt when she wasn't looking and stuffed it in my pocket. "Nice try. Give it back. I see you haven't changed. It's nice to have my little sister back." The 27-year-old told me, holding her hand out for the thing I took. Smirking, I gave it back to her. The anger was gone! At least Uma wasn't like she was when I had left, but I don't know how long it'll stay. Uma left for a moment, before coming back with two plates of fish and chips. "Here, keep your strength up. You're gonna need it if you want to stay here." She told me, handing a plate to me and the other to Harry. I gave her a confused expression, making her roll her eyes and tell me, "Your adoptive family are coming to the Isle to get you." before walking off to do something Ursula had shouted to her.

Charlotte Cheshire: Adopted By The King And QueenWhere stories live. Discover now