Chapter 49

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When I pulled away from my fathers hug, we all went inside and ae breakfast, which was still hot on the table. As we ate, I thought of various ways to:

1. Get out of Wonderland

2. Find Morgana

And 3. Defeat Morgana

Why the sea witch's sister even wants me dead is unknown, considering it's Ariel's daughter, Melody, that trapped her under the water for nearly twelve years. I always heard her scream at Uma and Ursula as I walked past, saying, "I've done my waiting! Twelve years under water! I want her dead!" Little did I know that I was the 'her'. I was snapped from my thoughts when Kono nudged me. "Sorry, what did you say?" I asked him, smiling. He rolled his eyes and pointed to my dad, who was looking at me worriedly. "Yes, dad?" I asked. "Morgana's after you?" He answered, questionative. Sighing, I facepalmed and looked up. "Yes, yes she is. But that doesn't involve you and we've got it under control. Please, dad?" 

Hatter, Mally and March all looked at each other before getting up, Kono following them. "We'll just, outside...clearing the garden." March stuttered, pushing Kono out the door as he looked at me both confused and worried. I smiled at him and then got up to shut the door. The moment I did, Cheshire burst. "You are not going after that lunatic woman! She'll skin you alive!" He raved. I rolled my eyes, "Dad, I've taken on worse than this since you left! Do you know how it feels to have people in your head constantly telling you it come back t Wonderland because it's safer and it's my home? Do you know how it feels to run back to the isle twice and have the same group of people try and hurt you? Do you know that?" He stopped, thinking. Then he sighed. "No. I font know how it feels. But, Charlotte, I don't want to lose you again. You mother didn't want you, and I had no choice in what happened-"

"You're the one that got rid of me! Mal said you gave me to her when I was only a few days old! You've never wanted me!" 

"Charlotte, calm down! I did want you; I've spent every day for the past eleven years trying to find a way to get you back!"

I had tears streaming down my eyes. "No you haven't. You only saw me as a mistake from the moment I was born. You never cared," I walked to the stairs and looked back at him. "And you never will." I ran up the stairs to the spare room, shutting the door and falling against it. I'm such an idiot! Why did I have a go at him like that? 

Cheshire's POV

"What just happened?" I asked my self as I stood there, shocked and unsure what to do. Hatter came back in with a small smile and asked, "How's it going?" I sighed and rubbed my eyes. "We had a small argument and she's adamant that I don't care about her." M.H's smile wavered slightly and he walked over to me. "It'll be alright. She's just an isle girl right now. Give her time; she'll be a wonderland girl soon." He smiled. Somehow, that crazy fella makes sense. I nodded and we went back outside to clear the garden.


Charlotte's POV

I shoved all the clothes I had in the wardrobe into my bag before zipping it up. Kono and I were going to try and find a way out and back to the isle, and I knew just where to go. "Ready?" I asked him as he walked back in. He nodded and pulled on his jacket before slinging his vag onto his back, me following suite. "Let's go." He smiled. Nodding, I grabbed the dagger from the bed and put it through my belt before we left the room, shutting the door behind us. 

"Where on earth are you going?" Mallymkun asked as we went to leave. I stopped and rolled my eyes as I answered, "White Queen's castle. She has that little o get us back to Auradon. There, we can use the door in the castle to get onto the isle and defeat Morgana." Hatter, March and Cheshire stopped and looked at us. "No, no, absolutely not! I am not allowing my you gest child to go on a suicide mission with some boy!" Cheshire snapped angrily. I glared at him and grabbed Kono's hand before pulling him out the house. "I'm not dealing with him anymore." I told him ad we set off in the direction of the castle, which you could see in the distance. "Understandable." Kono replied. Smiling, I let go of his hand d we walked a bit faster.

???'s POV

I only came back for Chloe's birthday. Never would I have expected to see my youngest sister walk through wonderland with Pocahontas's son! "Chase!" My 16-year-old sister, Chantelle, cheered when she saw me. She ran over and we both fell in a hug, with Chloe and Cheryl close behind. "Hey, guys! Happy birthday, Chloe." I smiled back as we stood up. And to think I'm meant to act 23! 

Rose appeared from behind me with our daughter, Lillie. When she saw the girls, she smiled and they all hugged, with Lillie standing by me. "Hey, girls? I think I just saw Charlotte walking through Wonderland with the son of Pocahontas." I told them. Lillie smiled and cheered, "Charlotte and Kono!" while the four girls looked at me curiously. "You're sure it was our sister?" Cheryl asked. I nodded. "How is my niece here when we were informed nearly two months ago that she was dead?" Rose questioned. I smiled like a Cheshire and answered, "A cat has nine lives. A fallen angel has three. Charlotte, on the other hand, has twelve." I love talking riddles! Chloe clocked it straight away, then Chantelle and Cheryl, whereas my wife and daughter were dazed and confused. "Ugh! Charlotte's mum is a fallen angel, and dad is a cat! Nine plus three is twelve, so Charlotte has twelve lives!" Chloe told them. 

Both of them made an "oh!" face before Rose eventually said, "Do we go after her? Does she even know you exist?" The four of us shook our heads. "No. She was given to Mal when she was born. Then at the age if one she went to the orphanage on the isle." I told her. Rose's face went from realisation to shock/horror. "She lived there!? Oh, the poor dear!" She gasped. I'm guessing that place was bad then. After the girls spoke and had a game of hide and seek to satisfy Lillie, we all walked to Hatters where Dad said he would be. As we did, I could t help but think about my long lost sister and why she was here. Wait, why is she here?

I'm merging characters!!!! Basically, Chase and Rose are from my other story, "Rose among thorns", and I just gave away a massive spoiler for the ending! Hope this chapter was ok and I'll cya in the next one! Bai!

X Caitlin X

Chantelle: (oldest sister)

Chantelle: (oldest sister)

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Chloe: (second oldest)

Cheryl: (second youngest cuz charlotte is the youngest)

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Cheryl: (second youngest cuz charlotte is the youngest)

Cheryl: (second youngest cuz charlotte is the youngest)

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Charlotte Cheshire: Adopted By The King And QueenWhere stories live. Discover now