Chapter 32

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Then next morning.....

Cheshire's POV

"Stupid King with his stupid wife taking my daughter off that stupid Isle so she can become a stupid princess! Now she hates me!" I shouted as Hatter listened. Bayard and Rabbit had left ages ago, so we were the only ones left in my house. "Cheshire, she doesn't hate you. Maddie told me that she looks up to you so much, and that she was going to come see you when she was thirteen! It'll be fine. Just wait a while longer." Hatter told me, his calm voice dripping with the truth. I knew this already, but it won't be fine. "I've done my waiting. Nine and a half years of it. IN WONDERLAND!!!!"

(I love Harry Potter and Sirius is my 2nd faves character. Sorry, but Fred Weasley comes first 😭)

Hatter jumped as I slammed my fist on the table. There was a knock at the door and I saw Ally through the window. "Shoot! Hatter, backdoor. Now." I muttered, pointing at the kitchen as I went to the door. Hatter jumped into action and ran out the backdoor before I opened the front one. "Good morning, Ally. How may I help you?" I asked her, smiling my usual Cheshire smile. She glared at me and replied, "Can it, Kitty. We both know I hate you, now just answer me this and I can go home. Why were you at the Halloween party last night and where did you go after?"

I sighed as I answered, "I went to see Charlotte. And afterwards I went to the castle so we could have a proper talk. Anything else?" She glared at me again, bit more intensely, before turning on her heel and walking away. Maddie, Blake and Will appeared out of nowhere and joined her as well, but not before Will gave me a small gift bag. "I don't hate you, Cheshire. Here, it's from Mum." He told me before rushing off. I shut the door and sat at the table, putting the bag on top of it. Why would the White Queen give me a gift? I looked in the bag hesitantly, expecting some kind of trick from Will and the others, but found a purple box instead. Pulling the box out, I untied the ribbon and pulled off the lid.

A.......mirror? And a bottle of that 'Drink Me' stuff we gave Alice?

I took out the mirror and bottle out the box and put them on the table. Why on earth would she give me these? I looked back in the bag and saw a card. Taking it out, I opened it and read what was inside.

"Dear Cheshire,

I heard about your daughter and wanted to help. But you see, it won't be easy. Charlotte's mother has corrupted her thoughts and can talk to her. They can have arguments that no one can hear, and those arguments are mostly on her coming back to wonderland. She wants to Cheshire, she really does. She's just scared, that's all. Scared of Ally, and Maddie, Will and Blake. They bully her back in Auradon. Whenever they get the chance, they call her mean things and say rude things about you and her. They talk about your past, and what happened. Ally will never let it go like Alice did, and that's why Charlotte won't come back. She knows that Ally will have a better chance of ruining her life if she comes here, so she doesn't want to come. 

Moving on, the mirror is linked up with one that is in Charlotte's mind, like a mirror but isn't in a way. You can see what she sees and hear what she hears, but you cannot control what she says or does, nor can she hear you. The bottle of lotion is for when you next go to Auradon. It's not like the one that Alice used, jot at all. This one gives you a different look so no one recognises you and you can see Charlotte without her realizing. I hope these help, and sorry fo what my son had said and done to your daughter. 

from, The White Queen"

I looked back to the mirror and then back to the letter. A wi dow to her mind, aye? Let's see if this works. I picked the purple hand mirror up and thought of how to use it. Suddenly. It fogged up and then disappeared, showing a picture of what looked like Charlotte's little friend group. Wow, it really does work! "So, what was your idea to prank the boys again, Raven?" I heard Charlotte ask. Shame I can't see her face, I thought. The mirror fogged again and I could see Charlotte after a second. She had bags u see her eyes and looked really tired, yet she managed to stay perky and smiley. How?

Charlotte's POV

I hate Cheshire. I really hate him! I was up all night, paranoid that he would show up and drag me away to wonderland. The bags u see my eyes were clear as day and I looked like  death itself. Oh, and I had a raging headache from the argument with the voices this morning. Life's good, isn't it? 

Raven snapped me from my thoughts when she answered my question. "I said that we could use your magic to change into their worst fears and then scar them. None of them would expect it, and if it's a villain they're scared of, we could get your dad to go along with it and say he gave them a second chance." She told me. My eyes gleamed and I nodded excitedly. "Yeah, that's good! We can get them back from what they did this morning! I can't believe they covered us in freaking paint; to be honest, they're lucky to still have their heads if Hamnah was there " I replied, thinking about how Hannah was.

Hannah and the rest of the orphanage kids came to Auradon nearly a month ago now, and they all went to different families except for Hailey and Lukas, who started the school. Hannah and the twins went to live with Ariel's sisters daughter, Arrianna (Just pick one of her sisters, cba to do it myself.), George had gone to live with Tigger's son, Tracker. Sophie and Freya stuck together and went to live with Esmeralda the gypsy's daughter, Emily-Ann, and Rachel went to live with Hercules and Meg. They all get to see each other, but I'm stuck seeing Hailey and Lukas whenever I set foot of school campus. And even worse, they've both become friends with the wonderlanders.

"Hello, earth to kitty?" I heard Gabbie as as she waved her hand in my face. I shook my head from my thoughts and looked up. "Sorry, thinking again. Ok, so who knows what the boys hate or fear the most?" I asked them, smiling despite the amount of tiredness I felt. We ended up talking for a further hour on what the boys feared and soon came up with the perfect plan. Let the pranks begin!

Hey! Okie, need help here. What should the boys fears be? I'm going to be doing:

Daniels fear

James's fear

Jake's fear

Kono's fear

Raven's twin brother, Flynn Jr's fear

Joseph's fear

Alanna's little brother, Kameron's fear

Okie, that's it. Of you have any ideas, put them on the persons name and pet me know! Thanks, cya in the next chapter! Bai!

X Caitlin X

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