Chapter 15

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I don't know how long I was sat on the edge of the dirt track for, but it was dark when I finally had a spell ready. Any light I had to see was from the moon and the barrier that was glowing a pale green. "Ok, no turning back now. Beware, foreswear, give me wings to fly anywhere." I muttered, grabbing my now dirty backpacks. I felt the soft breeze and a tingle in my back as I shut my eyes and prayed this would work. After a moment, I opened my eyes and looked to see wings on my back! I squealed excitedly before taking a few steps back from the edge of the cliff. "There's a first time for everything, I guess," I told myself before doing a countdown in my head.




I started running towards the edge and jumped at the last second, praying I knew how to fly. After what felt like forever, but was only a mere second, I was hovering in the air, my wings beating fast. "I did it. I actually did it! Isle Of The Lost, here I come!" I squealed as I started flying quickly towards the Isle, clutching my two bags tightly so I didn't drop them. To be honest, the thought of flying above the water made me feel sick, but actually doing it wasn't as bad. I flew for five minutes, heading for underneath the bridge, near the old docks. It was the best place to land, as I had no idea how long this spell would last. My shoulders and back started to ache from the flying, and I managed to touch down just in time before both the spell wore off and I collapsed with exhaustion. Now I know how good of a fairy I'd be, I'd better stick to a cat. 

"What was that? Harry, go see what's going on out there!" I heard Uma's voice shout from the other side of the tunnel. I had no intention of meeting them here, let alone fainting the moment Harry saw me. I guess when you skip all three meals and try to fly, you get tired.

Harry's POV

Uma told me to go and see what was happening on the other side of the tunnel, to which I agreed to. Leaving Gil to drop the sails, I jumped off the boat and gripped my sword as I went, ready to fight if needed. Walking through the tunnel, I noticed that nothing was happening, more someone had arrived. "Charlotte? Oh my god, Charlotte!" I exclaimed as she fainted with exhaustion. How on earth did she get here!? Better yet, WHY was she here?? I ran over to her and took off my jacket before wrapping her up in it. She was shivering and looked like she hadn't eaten all day. Beside her, she had two backpacks that looked quite heavy. So, no food, tried to get to the Isle and succeeded with two heavy backpacks at hand. How!?? "Harry, what's taking so long? Hurry up!" Uma called from the other end of the tunnel. I sighed and called back, "Charlotte Cheshire's here! She's fainted and is shivering. I'll be there in a second!" I heard her say something to the crew before they all came tumbling after her, over to me. 

Gil was behind Uma, and they were both shocked to see the blonde haired girl, unconscious on the docks. "Guys, what do we do? We can't just leave her there." Gil asked. I stood back up, Charlotte asleep in my arms, and answered, "I'll take her back to my place. I found her here, I'll take care of her." Uma shook her head and muttered, "No. We either give her back to the orphanage, try and let Mal and Ben know, or we tell her real dad she's here." I grew angry at her words and shouted, "And how do we tell the Cheshire Cat, or the king and queen, that their daughter in on the freaking Isle Of The Lost!? Mal and Ben are probably searching Auradon, and her real dad's in Wonderland! And there is no way she is going back to the orphanage. Hailey and Lukas will just torment her until she turns as sane as the mad hatter!" Uma seemed shocked that I had stood up to her, and the rest of the crew had backed away from us. Charlotte stirred in my arms and nuzzled deeper into my chest as Uma spoke, "Fine. Take her back to yours. But just know that whatever you wish to do, I have no say and neither does the crew. She's your responsibility now, Hook." With that, she turned and walked back to the ship, the crew following her. 

Charlotte Cheshire: Adopted By The King And QueenWhere stories live. Discover now