Chapter 43

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Night fell on the Isle, and I decided to o searching for Morgana. Sure, I could kill myself in the process, but I need to see Kono- Markus? -no, definitely Kono. Markus is just a fake him; an spelled him. As I left the house, I hummed along to a random song in my head. Mine and Kono's song. 

A few kids were out- and when I saw kids, I mean like four to eight year old children -rummaging through a bunch if rotten foods in hopes of a meal. I felt so bad for them, but remembered what I was meant to be doing and continued walking. As I walked, I saw a house with a light on and the curtains open. It was Harry's house, surprisingly. Uma, him and Unique were all sat around an old table, eating what looked like fish. Uma was holding a baby boy by the looks of it, and Gil was messing around with Unique, trying to get her to eat. It made me smile to see that some love had come to the Isle, no matter how forbidden it is. Sighing, I continued to all until I heard a voice laughing. "Ha ha! You should've seen them, Ursie! Charlotte was dead as a dormouse, he royals were in tears, and Markus came running for me after stabbing the wench in the heart! I told you my plan would work." 

Morgana's voice rang through my ears as I edged closer. The door was open slightly and I looked in to see the fish and chip shop kitchens. Kono was at the sink, washing dishes like Uma used to. He semmes humming and tapping his foot to a tune I knew all too well. Our tune. "Mum, when I'm do e, can I go to bed?" He called to Morgana, who was sat at a table with Ursula. "Yeah, sure." She replied, waving a hand before going back to her story. I tunes out of that and made myself invisible before walking into the shop and up to Kono. Now I could hear him properly. He wasn't humming; he was talking to himself. "Why did I do it? I'm so sorry, kitten. You must be cursing at me from above." He muttered. My heart broke a bit more at his words, and all I wanted to do was hug him and tell him everything was fine and that he doesn't need to apologize.

But I can't. I can't risk him again.

Letting a tear slip, I walked silently away from him and towards Morgana and Ursula. What now? I thought as I sat on the empty chair, still invisible. "Well, Morgana, you have officially out done yourself this time! With the Cheshire kid out the way and the king in shreds, we can easily get our revenge!" Ursula smiled. Morgana smirked and stood up. "Thanks, Ursie. Is the rum still in the kitchen?" She asked. Her sister bored and Morgana left, heading for the kitchens. Kono came out and rubbed his eyes. "All washed and clean. Night, Aunt Ursula." He yawned, hugging Ursula. She hugged him back and replied, "Night,Markus. And don't forget that you have the day off tomorrow, seeing as you managed to fi ish off that Cheshire girl once and for all." She told him. Kono nodded before going up a set of stairs and through a door. I followed him quickly, making sure to be silent, and slipped through the door at the last moment. 

Kono was sat on his bed, holding something. Holy tea cups! He was holding a pair of my cat ears I thought I had lost! Meanie, you had them all along. I thought. Kono looked out the window and to the dim streets of the Isle and sighed, "How did you live here, kitten?" I took this as my oppurtunity and reappeared. "Quite easily, to be honest." I muttered loud enough for him to hear. He turned around and gasped at me before running tk me. He picked me up and whirled me around the small room in a hug, before putting me down and kissing me. "Oh my god, I can't believe you're ok! I thought I had killed you!" He gasped, looking like he might cry. I smiled and put my hands on his cheeks. "It's gonna take a lot more than a dagger to kill a fallen angel, sweetie." I told him before kissing him again. 

Once we pulled away, I could see all spells cast on him wear away. A smile crept onto his face as he held me, and I smiled as I hugged him back. If it wasn't for the foot steps walking up the steps and me having to hang from the outside of the window, we would've stayed like that for a lot longer. I griped on tightly to the ledge, and begged there to be a soft landing if I fell. "Night, Markus. See you in the morning." Morgana smirked at Kono, who had dived u der the blanket as quick as he could once he thought I was safe. "Night, mum. See you tomorrow." He replied before I heard the door shit. Pulling myself up, I was thankful for pair of hands that helped me up. "Let's not do that again, deal?" I smirked at him as I swung my legs round. "Deal" he replied. "Where do you go now?" I looked up at him and answered, "Back to Maleficent's old house. There was a door in Auradon castle that led straight to it, so I've been there since around three this afternoon."

He frowned and I looked back to the Isle, watching the fight that was below us. "I don't care if my brother said you could, CJ Hook Hayes drunks!" A female voice screamed as two boys tried to pin her. That voice was familiar anywhere, and I watched as CJ ran up the wall and back to the ground before using her sword to knock the two down. "And don't you ever forget that." She told them before sauntering off. The two guys stood up and walked drunkenly away in the opposite direction. "This place never changes, does it?" I smiled at Kono as I looked at him. he shrugged and answered, "Wouldn't have a clue, kitten. Now can you get off the ledge before you fall and give me a heart attack?" I giggled and stood up, looking at him. We stood there awkwardly for a moment before I finally spoke. "I...I best be getting back. Not all cats are night prowlers, especially this one." 

"No, don't leave me again. Stay here tonight, please? Or I'll come to yours? Kitten, I don't want be alone thinking the worst is happening to you." He pouted at me. I turned away and shook my head. "I'm sorry, Kono. I only have three months, and I don't wanna risk losing you. I promise I'll come every night to see you, and other times if I can. Bit I have to stop Morgana before I lose everyone I live and care for. Including you." He sighed and stepped closer to me. "Promise you'll come back?" He asked, wrapping his arms around my waist. I nodded and replied, "Promise" before kissing him on the cheek and walking away. At the door, I kade myself invisible. Not only did it protect me from dying, but it hid the tears that were spilling down my face. "I love you, kitten." Kono muttered quietly. "I love you too." I replied before leaving. 

Kono's POV

When Charlotte left, a piece of ke went with her. She's alive. She's actually 100% alive! I turned to the window and watched as the night carried out as 'usual'. Mine and Charlotte's song came to mind and I smiled as I sung the first few lyrics.

"We were both young when I first saw you

I close my eyes and the flashback starts

I'm standing there

on a balcony in summer air"

I stopped and sighed before getting into bed and falling asleep. I promise we'll have our own love story, Charlotte. was the last thing I thought.

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Hope this was ok. If you have any questions, just comment or PM me and I might answer them. Might. It depends on what you ask. Cya in the next chapter! Stay evil, bai!

X Caitlin X

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