Last day of school

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Look out for these

Y/N - your name
L/N - last name
P.O.V - point of view
A/N - authors note
F/V - favourite video game
Today's the last day of school. After summer I'll be in highschool. I'm so excited.



''Yass schools out!'' I say with excitement in my voice. ''wow Y/N you seem excited!'' I hear a voice behind me and I jump. ''Heh of course I am it's finally summer, aren't you excited Travis?'' I questioned. Travis is my Best, and only, friend. He's the only one who actually likes me for me, not for any of my talents, if I've got any. ''Yeah, I guess so, I'm gonna miss this place.'' he says with a frown but soon changed it to a smile. ''Heh, at least I get to hangout with you during summer, hay wanna come over today?'' he asked. ''Sure but let me ask my Dad first!'' I answer smiling brightly. So I whip out my phone and start texting my dad.

Y/N: hay dad, can I got to Travis's house please?

Dad: sure sweetie just tell me when your coming home, OK?

Y/N: of course dad see you later :)

Dad: bye sweetie, love you

Y/N: love you too dad

''I'm sorry Travis but I can't come.'' I say trying to trick him. ''Aw, too bad I was gonna make cupcakes with you, oh well I'll just make and eat them myself.'' He says as a smirk climbs up to his face   (A/N: in this your favourite sweet things are cupcakes, so if you don't like cupcakes then sorry, enjoy the rest of this chapter) ''No no no no no I'm joking please don't eat them all yourself!'' I plead. ''oh I don't know I'm used to you trying to trick me but if you keep doing it I will eat them all.'' Travis says still smirking. ''OK I'll stop just don't eat my baby's by yourself!'' I say on my hands and knees. ''hahahaha, don't worry I would never do that to my best friend!'' Travis say turning the smirk into a genuine smile. ''c'mon let's get going!'' I say happily.

~Time skip~

''DAD, I'm back and I brought Y/N!'' Travis yelled. ''Y/N! Welcome it's good to see you again.'' Terence greeted. ''Hay Teri, good to see you too.'' Teri is nice, he's a good influence on Travis heck, even on me this place is like my second home. ''Y/N, c'mon let's go to my room so I can finally beat you at. F/V.'' Travis says thinking he can beat me at that game. ''Ha I'd love to see you try!'' I say. ''is that a challenge!?'' Travis questions. ''yeah sure, if I win you do what I ever I say for two minutes and the same thing goes for me but longer, Deal?'' I ask. ''DEAL!'' Travis says shaking my hand. And with that we ran up the stairs to Travis's room.

~mini time skip~

''Ha, to easy!'' I say while thinking of something for Travis to do. ''Ah ha, you have to do the chicken dance in front of Teri.'' a smirk climbs up to my face. ''What, no way am I doing that!'' Travis refused. ''But you said that you would do anything I want for two minutes.'' I say. ''Ugh fine! Come on let's go embarrass Travis shall we!'' He says in third person. ''I'll set a timer for two minutes.''

~mini time skip~

Haha i fall to the ground from laughing at that chicken dance. When I catch my breath from laughing so much, I checked the time. ''I better get going, bye Travis bye Teri, oh um Teri, can I come over tomorrow?'' I question. ''Of course Y/N, come over whenever, and would you like to come with us to get uniforms?'' Teri asked. ''sure I'd love to, see you tomorrow Travis!'' I answer. ''See you tomorrow.'' Travis says as he waves me goodbye. Me and Travis live just across from each other so I can walk home myself.

I get in my house and my dad asks what I did while I was gone. I answered with a simple answer 'watching Travis do the chicken dance.' then I went to eat dinner then went to sleep

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