The Photo Album

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(Make the photos look like the people that it's meant to be.)

Y/N - your name
P.O.V - point of view
A/N - authors note
F/C - favourite colour
S/F/C - second favourite colour
F/F - favourite food
H/C - hair colour
E/C - ear colour
T/C - tail colour
Y/PN - your phone number
Y/A - your address


I woke up really early in the morning for a Saturday. I got out of bed and got dressed. I decided to wear a T-shirt, blue skinny jeans and a black hoodie with holes at the top for my ears to go through. I also put on my locket with the picture of me my mom and my dad. After I got dressed I started to unpack my stuff again. I unpacked a box that was labelled 'stuffed animals' and put most of them on my bed, and put the others next to the door. I then unpacked a box that said 'very important' I remember labelling that because it was the one with the box with emergency stuff in it. I just put all that stuff under my bed. As I did that I heard footsteps. I looked up at the door and there stood Travis eating an apple. "Hey would you like any help unpacking?" He asked. I just shook my head no. "You sure? You look down. Well i would be to if I were in you position." He said. "I'm sure." I said just above a whisper. "Ok well I'm going to go get dressed ok." I simply nodded my head.

~time skip~

"Hey you need any help now?" Travis asked standing in my doorway. "No Travis I'm fine." I said getting another box. He kept on asking and asking and I eventually gave in. "Fine Travis. You can help." I said.

~mini time skip~

We only had one box left. It was a small box but I was heavy. We brought the box over to my bed and we opened it. Inside was some sort of book. "What's that?" Travis asked curiously. I looked inside it and realised. "It's a photo album." I said. "Look it's you and me playing video games." (Pic above) "I remember that. That wasn't too long ago." Travis said. "Look at this one. This was when you were into photography and took a sneaky picture of me staring out a window." I said.

"And this one was when we were just in a smiling mood

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"And this one was when we were just in a smiling mood." Travis said. "I like that one... oh look! It was a picture of me on my birthday last year!" I said.

 oh look! It was a picture of me on my birthday last year!" I said

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"I completely forgot about this one. It's a picture of Garroth when we were smaller." I said.

"I forgot you knew him

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"I forgot you knew him." Travis said. My ears then heard something move and my eyes immediately went to my door. "Travis I think we're being watched." I whispered. I then look in a box and find a whistle. I slowly walked to the door making sure they didn't see me, inhaled a lot and blew into the whistle as hard as I could. "Ow!" I heard. Travis just started laughing. "Hey Teri, what're you doing on the floor?" I asked. "Oh you know. I got a fright and jumped back causing my leg to hit the corner of a tables and that made me fall down- I mean I like lying on the floor." Teri said. "So what were you doing before you decided to lie on the floor?" I asked. "Uh nothing. Hey what are you two doing?" Teri asked. "We're looking through a photo album of Y/Ns." Travis said. "Oh let's see." Teri said looking at the next photo. "I remember this. This was on the day that you came home from school after you spilled a potion on you Travis." Teri said.

"The potion wasn't even meant to be a miff'wa potion

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"The potion wasn't even meant to be a miff'wa potion. It was meant to be a potion for turning things into potatoes." I said. "And I told you that it was wrong and then when you raised your hand to tell the teacher that you did something wrong, you nudged it and it spilled on you and almost got me." I continued. "Heh I can't help being clumsy." Travis said looking at the next picture . "Hey Y/N this was when we first hung out together outside of school." Travis said.

"Yeah my dad must have wanted to keep a picture of it because you where my first best friend

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"Yeah my dad must have wanted to keep a picture of it because you where my first best friend." I said.

"Hey have you two had any breakfast yet?" Teri asked. "I've had an apple but that's it." Travis said. "I've not had anything to eat at all." I said. I was really hungry but I didn't realise how hungry I was. "Well it's currently 11:45 so let's go out for brunch what do you say?" Teri asked. "Sure, Travis what about you?" I question. "Yeah let's go!" Travis yelled. "I'm so glad Travis already got ready." I said to no one. "Well let's get going. You ready to go?" Teri asked. "Yeah I'm ready I just need to put some shoes on." I said. "Ok we'll be down stairs waiting for you." Teri said walking away. I decided to put on black trainers.

I went downstairs and Travis and Teri were at the door. "So were are we going to have brunch?" I asked. "We're going to a cafe place." Teri said.

"Hey Travis, what song was I singing last night?" I asked. "I think it was a song called 'don't you worry child'." Travis answered.
—————————————————— how was it? Did you like it? I'm gonna start doing a question at the end of the chapters.

~question time~ who is your favourite character in Aphmaus videos?
Mines Zane and Daniel as well as Laurence.

Anyway see you later byeeee!


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