part 16

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Y/N - your name
L/N - last name
P.O.V - point of view
A/N - authors note
F/C - favourite colour
S/F/C - second favourite colour
F/F - favourite food
H/C - hair colour
E/C - ear colour
T/C - tail colour
Y/PN - your phone numuber

Dante's P.O.V

We ,and by we I mean me, Garroth and Katelyn, watched as Y/N showed beautiful E/C wolf ears and a T/C wolf tail. We were all in shock. But she was even more beautiful than usual. Any way, except for Y/N being a werewolf, the rest of school was normal. Up until lunch. Everyone, by everyone I mean some werewolfs and me, Garroth and Katelyn, were asking Y/N so many questions. "Y/N, WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US YOU WERE A WEREWOLF!?" Katelyn shouted. "WHEN DID YOU BECOME A WEREWOLF!" I shouted. "Hay guys, and girl. Let Y/N explain." Laurence said. "So to put it simply, I've always been a werewolf. My mom died when I was younger and I felt self conscious about showing my ears and tail. But I gathered the courage to show everyone because of Laurence. He helped me." I explain. "wait, what do you mean Laurance helped you." Garroth asked. "oh he gave me the courage to show everyone." I explained.



The bell rang and I had werewolf class. Ugh I bet I'm gonna get lots more questions. I walked around and, guess what, I got lost. "hey beautiful, you lost?" I turned around and two werewolfs were standing there. "uh yeah, can you help me get to werewolf class, please?" I asked politely. They then started to walk a lot closer. "o-on second thought, I think I'm fine." "oh come on, we can help you." they said backing me into a wall. We were now centimeters apart. Luckily I saw Katelyn aproching cracking her knuckles. "hey Y/N, are these two giving you any trouble? What are your names?" she asked. "heh, Rider and Jaxon. Why do you wanna know." "oh so I can tell the people who engraved stuff in a grave stone your names and how you died." I looked at Katelyn, and saw an actual fire in her eyes. She then punched them and made them run of. " Thank you Katelyn. Hey do you know how to get to werewolf class?" "werewolf class? Yeah actually it's this way." she led me there but asked me a question. "hey    Y/N, wanna come to a sleepover one of my friends are having?" "Uh sure. When is it?" I ask. "it's tomorrow. Give me your phone number and text me your address and I'll pick you up tomorrow." "OK, hear it's Y/PN." "great see you later!" she said running to her class. Suddenly the late bell just rang so you ran in.

The rest of the day was OK I guess. I went home after school and asked my dad because he was actually home and he said yes.
----------------------------------------------Hi I know this was short but I've be having writers block, also I didn't know what to call this part. But I Hope you enjoyed.  :)


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