The Unexpected

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Y/N - your name
L/N - last name
P.O.V  - point of view
A/N - authors note
F/C - favourite colour
S/F/C - second favourite colour
F/F - favourite food
H/C - hair colour


It was quite when me and Travis looked at the teacher. ''Y/N and Travis I want to see you after class.'' our teacher said with excitement in his voice. ''Oh and you too Laurance.'' we all nodded as me and Travis walked back to our seats.

~time skip to after class~

Laurance's P.O.V

Me Y/N and her friend Travis I think his name is, went up to the teacher.   Y/N was extremely nervous but, happy at the same time? I dunno how she can, everytime I'm around her and she's not with him she's so nervous but when he's there she's happy as can be. Is she dating him or something? I shouldn't jump to conclusions. My thoughts then got cut off by our teacher. ''So Laurance, Travis and Y/N I want you to do a concert instead of an assembly. You're too write the songs but you have to have at least 4 or 5 songs. The assembly won't be until three weeks from now so you should have enough time to do it. Because there's three of you one or maybe two of you will have to sit down while the other dose the song. That is all.''the teacher said. I looked over at Y/N. Her face went blank and passed out. Me and Travis rushed to her side. The teacher went to get the school nurse. ''Y/N, Y/N! Crap this is too much for her to handle, Laurance this is bad. If Y/N passes out its hard for her to breath!'' my eyes widened when he tolled me that. He quickly checked her breathing. ''LAURANCE SHE'S NOT BREATHING. DO YOU KNOW C.P.R?!'' Travis asked. I nodded my head. ''YOU NEED TO GIVE HER C.P.R QUICK!'' Travis shouted. ''WHAT WHY CAN'T YOU DO IT!?'' I shouted. ''BECAUSE I DON'T KNOW IT AND HER LIFE MAY BE ON THE LINE!'' Travis screamed. ''OK THINE!'' I began C.P.R on Y/N. I stopped as I heard the door open and the nurse standing there.

Travis's P.O.V

Laurence was giving Y/N C.P.R and I was having a mini breakdown. Then the nurse came in and took Y/N to the nurses office but me and Laurence weren't allowed in. ''Laurance, because of you Y/N is still breathing. If it wasn't for you, then she might not still be hear, but she'll be fine. Now both of you go to your next class.'' the nurse said. All day I couldn't stop worrying about Y/N.

~time skip~


I woke up in the nurses office but didn't know why. ''How the, how did I get hear and what happened?'' I ask myself not knowing the nurse was there. ''Ah Y/N, your awake. You're here because you passed out. If it wasn't of Laurance, you wouldn't be hear right now.'' the nurse said. ''well you better get to your next class, looks like its actually lunch right now.'' ''oh thanks I'll get going now.'' I say walking off to lunch with a small headache. I walked to lunch and saw Travis and Laurence sitting together and the looked worried and sad about something so I walked over forgetting about how nervous I would get. I just sat in front of them and the looked up at the same time and their eyes widened. They walked to the other side of the table and hugged me tightly. ''W-what is this for?'' I questioned. ''we're so glad your OK,   Y/N.'' Travis said but Laurance was just silent. It was starting to attract attention and then I saw Katelyn run over. ''Y/N, why weren't you in gym?'' she questioned. ''I was in the nurses office, she said that I passed out and that if it wasn't for Laurance then I wouldn't be hear right now but I don't get what she meant by it.'' I answered while starting to eat. ''Well Y/N, Laurance basically saved your life.'' Travis answered the question I asked to no one. ''What, how?'' I asked confused. ''well L-Laurance preformed C.P.R on y-you.''Travis said. I didn't say anything but I just brushed and it was an extremely dark blush. ''Y/N, do you remember why you passed out?'' I heard Laurence ask. I shook my head to say no. ''well it was because we have to perform in front of the hole school.'' ''Hay Y/N, your not being nervous around them.''Travis whispered. ''I guess I'm just used to being around them now.'' I whisper back. Travis smiled when I said that. I think he's happy I have other friends and not just him. ''hay Travis why did Laurance have to do C.P.R on Y/N?'' Katelyn asked. ''Well you see if Y/N passes out there's a very high chance that she can't breath very well but this time she couldn't breath at all, so I'm gonna start learning how to do C.P.R in case of a situation like that.'' Travis explained. ''but how do you know this?'' Katlyn asked again. ''This had happened many times before but Y/N never new she couldn't breathe during it.'' Travis explained. ''Yeah this is the first time I've herd this.'' I say glaring at Travis. ''heheheh.'' Travis dose a nervous laugh.

~time skip~

Travis's P.O.V

It's the end of school and I just remember that me, Y/N and Laurence need to write some songs. ''Hay uh     Y/N, Laurance we still have to write some songs for the concert. Who's house should we go to?'' I asked. ''How about we go to mine?'' Laurance asked. ''Sure, let me ask my dad.'' Y/N said pulling out her phone. ''He said I can go.''

~later that night~

''Hay I'm done with my part of the song and I need to get going, so I'll just leave it hear so you can add your bits. See you tomorrow, bye.'' I said. ''Bye Travis.'' Laurance and Y/N said at the same time.

Laurance's P.O.V

''Don't you have to go Y/N?'' I ask confused. ''No my dad is always working so he's never home and he doesn't really care about the time I'm home so I'll go home later.'' Y/N answer.

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