The store

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Y/N - your name
L/N - last name
P.O.V - point of view
A/N - authors note
F/C - favourite colour
S/F/C - second favourite colour
F/F - favourite food
H/C - hair colour
E/C - ear colour
T/C - tail colour
Y/PN - your phone number
Y/A - your address


I had to go to the store and buy some food but I had no money. I just sat there looking at the empty fridge, then I remembered something.

"Now Y/N, I'm going to be leaving the house a lot mor often because of my new job, so I've hidden a box full of any emergency stuff in my room. It's got a first aid kit and lots of emergency money and some other stuff, ok so I'm trusting you with this and don't give it to anyone and don't tell anyone." Dad said. "Ok daddy but were is this thingy?" I ask. "It's hidden in a flor board under my bed." He said. "Hear, it's an locket with the key to the box it's in. Keep it with you at all times." "I will daddy, have fun at work." I say waving goodbye.
End of flashback

I was only 8 when this happened so I still called him daddy. But I remember that there was money. I'm not sure how much because I've never been in the box before but I still had that locket. I had the locket in my bag because I take my bag everywhere. I took out the locket opened it and saw a small metal key inside. I then saw that there was a picture in the locket as well, it was a picture of me, my dad and my mom. I closed the locket and ran up to my dads room. I went under the bed and tried to find a broken floor board. I eventually found it and pulled out a metal box, I got out from under the bed and sat on the bed. I then unlocked it. Inside I saw a mini first aid kit and lots of money. There were other things but I didn't pay any attention to them after I found the money. I started to count it and it all came to one million dollar. I was shocked. I only took 1-2 hundred dollars for the shopping but I wasn't going to spend it all, I was only going to spend it on important stuff like food to keep me alive. 

~time skip~

I am just about to leave but I had to make sure I had put the metal box back and I did so I am just leaving now. I go out my door and lock it. I then turn around and start heading to the store.

On the way I saw someone I had forgotten about my old 'friend' Zane. And he was with someone I recognised but couldn't tell who it was. As I got closer I realised he was arguing with Garroth. I decided to walk up to them and say hi. Not to Zane but to Garroth. "Hay Garroth, Zane." I say looking at Zane and saying his name in a demonic voice. "Tch. What do you want?" Zane said. "Oh nothing I just came over because I wanted to say hi, is that a problem?" I ask knowing he's got a big problem with me being around him. "Actually I do have a probl-" he then got cut of by Garroth. "So Y/N, were you going?" Garroth asked. "Oh just to the store to buy some food. My dad left in a business trip and left with literally nothing in the fridge and I haven't had breakfast yet so I'm starving." I complain. "Y/N you know the nearest store that actually sells food is about 3 miles away!" Zane says. "What worried about me. Plus I like walking." I say. "Heh me be worried about you?! No chance of that happening." Zane rudely says. "Hey Y/N, why don't we come with you. Zane and I were just talking about getting more exercise and this would be perfect for us." Garroth asked. "Sure but you'll have to keep up with me. I tend to walk fast when I'm hungry or just on a walk." I say. "No Garroth I'm not doing that. It's far to hot out hear and I'll die walking 3 miles in this!" Zane complained. "Zane I've told you many times that mom and dad put me in charge and they said that they want you to do more stuff outside." Garroth explained. "Heh so?" "So you have to do as I say." Garroth says. "Zane are you worried that a girl is going to beet you to the store? Heh I'll tell you what I'll put my ears and tail away, because I'm a lot more faster with them out, and we'll have a little race, deal?" I ask Zane. "Heh deal." He says shaking my hand. "Hey Garroth wanna race as well?" I ask. "Sure lets do it but I'm warning you I'm really fast." Garroth said. "Ok ready, set, GO!" I shout but I just stand there watching them run of. They then look behind them and see that I've not moved and start to walk instead. "Heh my plan has worked." I whisper. I then start to run and I ran straight passed them. I was running so fast that I didn't realise that my wolf ears and tail were out. Then I was starting to change into my wolf form but again didn't notice. I then looked back at the two boys and they were shocked to see me but i didn't know why. I then looked down and saw that I was in my wolf form. I then immediately changed back. This time I kept my wolf ears and tail out but stoped the race. "How did you do that?!" Garroth asked me. "I bet it was a potion." Zane says. "Actually, all werewolf's can do that but they usual control it. But I guess it happened because I was running so fast." I say. "Let's just walk then." Garroth said.

~time skip~

We made it to the store and I got a shopping cart and started to look around. "Hey would you two mind helping me so we can get out of here quicker." I ask nervously. "Sure we'll help." Garroth says. "Oh and Garroth can you do me a favour please?" "Yeah Sure what is it?" He asked. "If any Security come over and asks about me I want you to pretend that your my older brother." I say. "Why?" "Because I have a bit of a history in hear." "Ok sure."

Time went on and no one came up to us. We then all went home and I finally got to eat and I only spent $36.68 on the food and it filled the hole fridge. I then watched Netflix all day and went to bed.
——————————————————-I hope you enjoyed this chapter.


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