Why Did This Have To Happen

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Y/N - your name
L/N - last name
P.O.V - point of view
A/N - authors note
F/C - favourite colour
S/F/C - second favourite colour
F/F - favourite food
H/C - hair colour
E/C - ear colour
T/C - tail colour
Y/PN - your phone number
Y/A - your address


Then suddenly my phone rang. "Hey Shut up. Someone's calling me." I said. "Hello?" "Hello, is this Y/N L/N?" "Yes who's this?" "My name is Penelope and I have news for you. It is very important." "Ok what is it." "It's about your father. He's...



"He's been murdered. He's still alive but he's not got much time left. He has requested to see you before his time is up." My heart dropped when I heard that. "Of course I'll come. Which hospital?" "Phoenix hospital. Be quick, his time is running out." And with that the phone call ended. "You two! You're coming with me to the hospital!" I said tears about to spill out. "Travis is it ok if Teri drives us?" I asked "Yeah it should be." And with that we ran over to Travis's house. "Dad we need you to drive us to the hospital!" Travis shouted. "Ok I'll be down in a second." He replied. We got in his car and started to drive. "Which hospital?" He asked. "Phoenix hospital." I replied. "Hey Y/N, would you mind telling us what's going on?" Laurence asked. "My dad has been murdered," I heard multiple gasps. "The nurse said he's still alive but he's not got much time left, and that he's requested to see me before his time is up." I said as a few tears spilled. "That's horrible!" Laurence said. "And I can bet you I know who did it." Travis said.

We made it to the hospital and ran to the front desk. "Hello who are you hear for?" She asked. "Robert L/N." I said. "He is in room 124. You go up the hall and take a right and he's at the end door." She said sweetly. "Thank you." We said rushing to his room. We came to his room and knocked on the door. A doctor came out. "Hello. Are you here to see mr L/N?" He asked. I replied with a yes. "What is your relationship with him?" "I'm his daughter and these are my friends." I replied. "Ok but only two at a time can go in. Since you're his daughter you can see him through the hole time." He said. "Ok um Travis would you like to come in first,?" I asked. He nodded. We walked in and I ran up to my dad. "DAD! Why did this happen to you?" "Y/N? I, I didn't tell you about something that you need to know." He said. "What is it dad?" I asked. "I-in my pillowcase there is a letter for you. Read that and it will tell you what you need to know." He said. "Ok dad. I will." Travis then left and Laurence came in. I just sat next to my dad. Holding his hand and staring at the machine hooked up to his heart rate.


It was slow but steady. A minute went by.


"N-no, NO! Dad stay with me! You have to wake up! You can't leave! Not yet!" Then the doctor came in. At this point Laurence was trying to keep me away from my dad. He was too strong. So I ended up falling to my knees and cried. After about five minutes of nonstop crying, I stood up and mumbled words over and over again. The same ones too. "Why, why did this have to happen?" I mumbled that for about thirty seconds until the doctor spoke. "Miss L/N, this was in his pocket when we found him. It's for you." He handed me a letter. It said.

Dear sweet Y/N,

I'm writing this to say that your mother was only the first of many. After your mother I decided to go after your father. He's lucky to get to see you one last time. So here's how it's going to play out. I'll keep killing more and more of your loved ones. And you will do nothing about it. Next I will kill the closest person to you in maybe a couple of months or I might be generous and kill them in a year or so. Anyway I'll keep killing and the more I kill the more you'll hate me. I'll kill and kill and kill. I bet the more I kill the more you'll want it to stop but it won't Y/N. It will never stop. Not whilst your alive. Oh I better go, I can hear the police and ambulance. See you later my sweetheart.

Lots of love

With that I folded the letter up and carefully put it in my pocket. We walked outside and sat down next to Travis and Teri. We told them that my dad had died. "Miss now that both your parents have died, we'll have to send you to an orphanage." The doctor said. "What no I don't want to leave. All my friends live here." I said. "I'm sorry but it has to be done." "No it doesn't. She won't have to enter the orphanage at all if I adopt her. That is if she will be ok with me adopting her." Teri said. I just nodded to him. "Perfect then I'll be adopting her and she will live with me and my boy." He said. "Very well. We have adoption papers at the front desk in case of something like this. All you need to do it sign it but so dose miss L/N." The doctor said to us. "Ok let's go do that then."

We signed the papers and I guess I'm Travis's sister now. We're on our way home and we dropped Laurence of at his house. "Y/N would you like us to help you pack?" Teri asked. I nodded and headed into my soon to be old house. Before I went to my room to pack all the stuff in there, I went to my dads room and went to his bed and grabbed his pillow. I reached in and felt a piece of paper. On the front of it said. 'Read when you are 16 years old.' I am currently 14 so I'll have to wait two hole years. Oh well, I better get to my room to pack.

I finished packing and it only took us an hour. Well there was three people helping. We went over to my new house and put all the boxes in the spare room. The spare room was now my new room. All it had was white walls, a bed, a beige carpet and a walk-in wardrobe. It was actually really nice, but I think I could make it look a lot better and a lot more me.

I then unpacked one box with the stuff I use the most and one outfit for tomorrow and some pjs. I got changed into my favourite pjs (picture at the top) and hoped into bed.
——————————————————-I almost cried making this one. Also, please don't hate me for any of this! I'm sorry if you don't like it but this is my story so just blame Kate for murdering your dad. Also your name is now Y/N Valcrom, I think that's how you spell it, if not can you correct me in the comments, anyway I'm going to be taking out L/N because of this.
Anyway see ya later. :)


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