The Questions

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Y/N - your name
L/N - last name
P.O.V - point of view
A/N - authors note
F/C - favourite colour
S/F/C - second favourite colour
F/F - favourite food
H/C - hair colour
E/C - ear colour
T/C - tail colour


"how can you hide your ears and tail?" Laurance asked. "Well my mom was a werewolf and my dad is a human. So because I am only half werewolf I can hide my ears and tail." I answered. With a bit of sadness in my voice when I talked about mom. "wait. What do you mean you mom was a werewolf?" Laurance asked with a bit of concern. "my mom. Well uh s-she-" I cut myself of when I started to cry a little. "Y/N. Would you like me to tell him?" Travis asked. I nodded in response. "When Y/N was younger about 5 or 6 her mom was pushed off a roof. But because she was a werewolf she only had a few broken bones. She had to stay at the hospital over night for a week. But on the second night the same person who pushed her off the roof came back, broke in the hospital and stabbed her many times. The next day Y/N, her dad and I went to see her only to find that, she was dead. The security checked the cameras with me and Y/N to see if they could see the culprit and if they could thay would ask us if we new them. They saw the culprit and asked us if we knew her. I didn't but Y/N, well she looked horrified to see that her mom's best friend had done this. And that's how her mom died." Travis explained. By now Y/N was crying her eyes out. Laurance looked horrified but not as horrified as me that night. I then felt a warm embrace and looked up to see Laurance hugging me. "Shh, it's OK. It's gonna be fine." Laurance reassured me.

~tiny time skip like 5 minutes~

I finally stopped crying and asked Laurance what his next question was. "my next question is, why do you hide your ears?" Laurance asked. "Well it's set to be a rumour but if your only half werewolf and your werewolf parent dies then your werewolf child doesn't have power over if they show or not but instead they show when it benefits you, in my case they show when I get in to fights to boost my strength." I answered. "oh so you don't control it." I nod before I started to cry again until he asked one question. "why did you start crying earlier at school?" he asked. It was then I started to cry again. This time Travis comforting me. I stopped. "the reason I started to cry in school is because everytime I changed, it reminds me of my mom." I answered softly. "oh I'm so sorry. I don't mean to make you cry." Laurance apologized. "no no, it's OK. Any other questions?" I asked. "Um not that I can think of, but can I have you number, just if I do think of any other questions?" Laurance asked.
(A/N: new Y/PN - your phone number.)
"Yeah sure hear it's Y/PN." I gave him my phone number and he called me to make sure it was correct. "Got it, oh wait I gotta go. Wait wanna come to my house to practice the songs?" Laurance asked. "sure. Travis you wanna come?" I look at Travis as he shakes his head. "sorry I can't come. I got some other homework to do." he says with his smile turning into a frown. "Aw, OK." I say grabbing my backpack. "your taking you backpack with us?" Laurance said. "yeah its got everything in case of an emergency." I say smiling. "yeah, it's even got things for girl problems. Trust me I've been in there." Travis said. I instantly felt the heat rise to me face. "T-TRAVIS! SHUT UP!" I demanded. Laurance just burst out laughing. "HAY IT'S NOT FUNNY!" I say pouting. Correction I shout pouting. "well come on let's go" Laurance said smiling.
----------------------------------------------------------- So? Did you like it? I know it was short but it tells you a little about your backstory.


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