First day of summer

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Y/N - your name
L/N - last name
P.O.V - point of view
A/N - authors note
F/C - favourite colour
S/F/C - second favourite colour


It was 8:28 AM when I woke up the next day. I got up and got dressed. I was wearing a F/C T-shirt and S/F/C shorts with a S/F/C cap. After I got dressed I went to go get breakfast when I saw a note on the kitchen door it said.

At work sorry I can't say good morning and make you breakfast but I'll bring a little surprise for you to make up for it love you ~ dad

Of course he's at work he dose work three jobs. Oh well I'll just have leftovers from last night for breakfast. I finish eating and grab my F/C bike and cycle around before going to Travis's house because I live right across from him and everyone needs exercise.

~mini time skip~

I made it to Travis's house at 8:42 AM. I knock on the door and Teri answered. ''Hello y/n Travis is still in bed but you can go up and wake him up or you can draw on his face!'' Teri said knowing my answer, he handed me a black sharpie as I sneak up to Travis's room. I slowly open the door and quietly walk over to his bed, I decided to draw my little horses on his face it looked so funny I was finding it hard to contain my laughter and it suddenly woke up Travis.

Travis's P.O.V

I woke up to giggling right next to me. I open my eyes to see Y/N standing there with a sharpie in her hand. I ask her why she had a sharpie because I already know why shes hear but she only responded with 'no reason' I then decided to go to a mirror to see my face and, AND SHE DREW MY LITTLE HORSES ON MY FACE. ''Y/N! WHY!? WHY DID YOU DRAW ON MY FACE!?'' I yelled to get an answer. ''Because Teri said I could!'' Y/N answered honestly. ''DAD!!!'' I yelled, stomping down the stairs in only a pair of shorts.

Teri's P.O.V

''DAD!!!'' I heard Travis shout from upstairs and I all ready knew why he was mad. ''DAD! WHY DID YOU LET  Y/N DRAW ON MY FACE!?'' Travis shouted while coming into the kitchen while I was making breakfast. ''Oh, Travis your awake, and I don't know what you're talking about.'' I say containing my laughter. ''Don't play dumb, you know what I'm talking about!'' Travis argued. ''OK I'm sorry but I made pancakes for breakfast too make up for it.'' I say. ''OK fine your forgiven only if you give Y/N some too.'' Travis said. ''I was already planning too Y/N, have you had breakfasts Yet?'' I asked Y/N. ''Well I had leftovers from last night but that wasn't much.'' She answered. ''Perfect, would you like to have some pancakes?'' I ask. ''sure! I love Pancakes!'' she said with joy in her voice.


I'm eating pancakes with my best friend and the pancakes are amazing, and I eat them so quick you'd think I haven't eaten in weeks. ''hey uh Travis, when are you planning on getting dressed because you're just in shorts right now.'' I ask. ''Ah, I just noticed, I'll go get dressed now!'' Travis said a bit embarrassed. ''Hah, he might be up there awhile. He's like a girl getting dressed, he takes forever.'' Teri said. ''He just cares about how he looks. It's quiet funny to be honest, how I don't care about how I look and I'm a girl but my best friend dose and he's a boy.'' I say with a little laughter.

~time skip~

Travis's P.O.V

''Y/N, come up hear.'' Travis shouted from up stairs. ''Ugh coming!'' Y/N says with annoyance in her voice. ''What is it?'' she asked. ''So how do I look?'' I ask. ''you look fine, let's go out and ride or bikes.''   Y/N says. ''Fine let's go.'' I said. So we rode on our bikes for a bit until I ask Y/N a question. ''Y/N? Why are you always so shy but never around me?'' I ask. ''because I'm shy but when I make a friend that I'm close to I'm not so shy around them and only them, if that answers your question.'' She answered. ''Cool.'' that was all I could say.

~Time skip~


''Bye Travis bye Teri see you guys later.'' I said waving. ''Bye Y/N.'' Travis said waving too. I went home at 7:25 pm so I all ready had dinner because my dad wasn't back from work yet so when i got in I got on my pyjamas and went to bed because I was tired.

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