The Dream

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Y/N - your name
L/N - last name
P.O.V - point of view
A/N - authors note
F/C - favourite colour
S/F/C - second favourite colour
F/F - favourite food
H/C - hair colour
E/C - ear colour
T/C - tail colour
Y/PN - your phone number


"My dream was, well it's kinda hard to explain but. I saw my mom and she was talking to me. And it was like it wasn't a dream but it was. She was giving me advice like never get into fights with another werewolf. But she also tolled me how to make my ears and tail show on my command." I said. "Y/N, that's great you should try it now!" Laurance exclaimed. "I can't. She tolled me how to do it but I need to do something for it to happen." I say. "What is it that you need to do? What ever it is I'll help." he said. "Well, first you need to go somewhere no one can see and set up a thingy um do you have a piece of paper I could use?" "um yeah, why?" he asked. "So I can show you what it looks like... Done! So there is I big square and it's put into quarters and right in the centre there is a circle cut into half. That's the layout, and you'll need a boy and a girl in my case I'll need a boy to help me, so you. The one who wants to have their ears and tail to show again will have to say an enchantment thing, and once they've said that the boy and girl will have to-" I cut myself off as I felt some heat rise to my face. "They have to what?" Laurance asked. I mumbled something but he couldn't hear me so he asked again and I answered but this time it was a bit louder. "they have to k-kiss, however she said it had to be passionate." I whisper. ''Still want to help?" I said looking at him. "Well if it will help you then, yes I will still help." he said. I looked away trying to hide my blush but failed. "hay, why are you blushing?" he asked. I looked up because there was no point in trying to hide it. "If you do help me then you'll end up being my first kiss." I said. "Quick question, have you ever had a boyfriend?" he asked. "No, I haven't." I answered. "Has anyone ever flirted with you?" he asked. I looked up at him because he asked such a weird question. "Such a weird question but if you must know, no, no one has ever flirted with me." I say straight to his face. Then I get scared. A small smirk crawls up on to his face. "why are you smirking?" I semi shout. "no reason." he said changing his smirk to a smile.

Not to long after that we arrived at school. Great ,note the sarcasm,
-----------------------------------------------------------Hay guys, sorry for not posting in awhile. I have moved houses and the internet was down for over a week. But I've got it back. Also I know it was short but don't you wanna know what Laurance's plotting?! Anyway, See ya later.


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