the sleepover

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Y/N - your name
L/N - last name
P.O.V - point of view
A/N - authors note
F/C - favourite colour
S/F/C - second favourite colour
F/F - favourite food
H/C - hair colour
E/C - ear colour
T/C - tail colour
Y/PN - your phone numuber


It's the day off the sleepover, HOORAY! i am kinda nervous but I'll get over it quickly I think. I'm all ready for the sleepover and suddenly I get a text from Katelyn.
(A/N: NEW. Y/A is your address)
(y: you k: Katelyn)
K: hay Y/N that's me and my dad leaving to pick you up so I think now would be a good time to tell me your address.
Y: oh right it's Y/A.
K: alright we'll be there in about 15 mins.
Y: OK.

Yay I'm going to my first sleepover.

~mini time skip~

I heard a knock at my door and opened. It. It was Katelyn. "Hey Katelyn I'm ready to go." I said . "OK Y/N lets go."

~another mini time skip~

"We're here!" Katelyn said knocking on the door of this person who she has told me nothing about. Someone opened the door and it was a girl with raven hair and amber eyes. "Hay aph, I hope you don't mind but I brought a friend with me." Katelyn said. "It's fine the more the merrier, right? Anyway what's your name?" She asked. "Um Y-Y/N." I said. Then someone who looked just like this girl but older came down. "Ahh Miha, this must be Katelyn. But who's this?" She asked. "Oh I'm Y-Y/N nice to meet you." "Well Y/N I'm Selvana (I think that's how you spell it) and this is Aphmau. Why don't you two come in. Oh and Katelyn this must be you dad. *gasp* ERIC?!" " SELVANA?!" "You two know each other?" Aphmau and Katelyn questioned at the same time. "Me and Eric go WAY back." "And if I played my cards right you and Aphmau could've been sisters." "WHAT!?" "Hay aph, can we just go upstairs now." Katelyn asked. "Yeah Katelyn this way." We went to Aphmau's room and as soon as I walked in I heard. "Katelyn~sama,   Y/N~chan, Kawaii~chan didn't know you were coming!" "Yeah I invited Y/N." "H-hi." I said nervously. "So aph, what are we gonna do?" "Well I'm not to sure, anyone got any ideas?" Aphmau asked. "Oh Kawaii~chan thinks we should talk about shipping!" Kawaii~chan said. "Um what's shipping?" I asked. "Y/N~chan it's when you think two people look like they would be a good couple." Kawaii~chan explained more. "Oh ok. So do you ship people?" I ask. "Oh of course. I ship EVERYONE in the school." Kawaii~chan said. "Wha!? Kawaii~chan tell us who you ship us with, please?" Aphmau asked. "Ok I ship Katelyn~sama with that Travis~kun guy. Aphmau~senpai with Aaron~kun, Teony~sama with books, Lucinda~chan with a guy called Ivan~kun and Y/N~chan with Laurence~kun!" Kawaii chan finished and Teony and Lucinda were perfectly fine with there's but Katelyn and Aphmau were freaking out while I just sat there blushing like crazy. Just then Katelyns dad burst in pretending to be a girl. "Hay gurls sorry I'm late now tell me does Katelyn Y/N and Aphmau have a boyfriend?!" Eric asked. We just sat there laughing when Lucinda spoke. "No they don't ." "And Selvana has said you gave up a Beyoncé music but let's dance!" Eric says. "C'mon Y/N dance!" Lucinda tried to get me to dance. "No I can't dance so I'll just watch." I said. "Oh c'mon please?" Teony begged. "Ok fine." I gave in and started dancing.

~time skip~

"Hay Y/N whilst you were in the bathroom we all took a vote and we all said yes to wanting you to sing before we go to bed, is that ok?" Aphmau asked. "Um sure what song do you want me to sing?" "Can Y/N~chan sing a song called we're just friends?" Kawaii~chan asked. "Sure." "Oh And can we record it please?" They all asked. "Uh sure." "Ok start singing when you want" Teony said.
(Play song at the top)
I sang the song and everyone was just staring at me. "Uh was that good?" I ask. "Hay Y/N. Have you ever considered becoming a singer?" Teony asked. "No why?" I ask. "Because your an AMAZING singer!" Aphmau answered for her. "T-thanks. C'mon we need to get to sleep now." I say getting into my sleeping bag. "Aww ok fine." Lucinda said. "Goodnight Y/N~chan, Aphmau~sempai, Teony~sama, Lucinda~chan and Katelyn~sama!" Kawaii~chan said. "Goodnight everyone!" Everyone said.

~time skip~

I woke up and everyone was very quiet I was the last one who got up. "Hay why is everyone so quiet?" I ask. "Oh we were just listening to something." Katelyn said. "What were you listening to?" I ask. "We were listening to you." Teony said. "What do you mean?" "Well Y/N~chan sings in her sleep it is very faint but we could still hear it especially Kawaii~chan because I have very sensitive ears!" Kawaii~chan said. "Wait I, WHAT?! How do I not hear it I have extremely sensitive ears. You guys must be joking." I said. "Nope I made sure to record it!" Lucinda said. "Uh I gotta get home now anyway. Bye guys." I said. "Wait Y/N, you haven't even eaten yet!" Teony said. "Don't worry I'm a werewolf! As much as I love to eat food, we don't need to eat as often. I learned this in werewolf class and from experience also Aphmau should know this!" "Heh I was asleep during that but bye!" Aph said. I ran down stairs and got out the door. I changed into my wolf form to run to my house with my bag In my mouth (the wolf at the top is you but instead of red it's your favourite colour). "Dad I'm home!" I said. I turned back to normal and looked around for him, but I found a note, the note said
'Dear Y/N, I have went on a business trip for a month or two and am allowing you to stay at a friends house if you want and am trusting you to keep the house clean. There are still gonna be some rules and hear they are 1) keep the house tidy. 2) NO PARTYS. 3) no boys except travis are allowed to come over. 4) a minimum of 3 friends over at a time. 5) go to bed at 9 at the latest. 6) STAY SAFE. That is all and I love you good bye.' Wow he can't even tell me to my face. Oh well ima go eat everything now. I walk into the kitchen and look in the fridge and there was nothing. "Ugh I have to go shopping on a Saturday." I complained. Oh well I'm gonna go shopping now ugh.
———————————————————— HOPE you guys enjoyed that and sorry I haven't been updating much. Anyway good bye.


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