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Y/N - your name
L/N - last name
P.O.V - point of view
A/N - authors note
F/C - favourite colour
S/F/C - second favourite colour
F/F - favourite food
H/C - hair colour
E/C - ear colour
T/C - tail colour
Y/PN - your phone number
Y/A - your address


I went to detention and knocked on the door. As I walked in I saw the teacher sleeping on the floor and that jerk from before. I don't even know his name but I don't care. "Ugh, what are you going here?" He complained. "I broke a rule during gym. Why you here?" I asked. "I threw a werewolf out a window again." "You should stop throwing werewolf's out windows. Huw would you feel if a werewolf through you out a window?" I said. "Have you ever been thrown out a window?" He asked. "No." I replied. "Come here." "Why?" I asked. "So I can show you something." "Ok then?" I walked over to him and he picked me up. "Hey what are you doing!" I shout. Then he through me out the nearest window. A pace of glass got stuck in the side of me and I was bleeding badly because my skin got ripped a bit. I couldn't get up and I just lied there shouting in pain. Then he came over to me and picked me up. Then everything went black.

Suddenly I woke up with a sharp pain in me side and my face hurting a lot. I looked around where I was and I saw that I was in the nurses office. I looked over by the door to see the nurse and that jerk talking. They finished and the nurse came over to me. Y/N I need to ask you this question. Can you walk? "Yeah I think." I then got up and started to walk even though it hurt like hell I didn't show it. "Yeah I can walk. What time is it?" I asked. "It's about the time detention ends." The jerk said. "So can I go home then?" I ask the nurse. "Yes but you need to be careful with your scratches. But before you go I think you should know that you might get a scar on the left hand side of you." She said. "Ok and thanks." I then left the school and started walking home as I leave the school area, I could feel someone watching me from behind so I turned around and saw Laurence walking up to me. I quickly looked away and went a bit stiff knowing he's going to ask questions. "Hey Y/N I'm guessing you just got out of detention." He said. "Yeah I did." I said still not looking at him. "Y/N you ok? You seem tense." He said worriedly. "I'm fine don't worry." I said making sure he doesn't see my face or my side that is covered in blood. "Y/N why aren't you looking at me?" He asked. "If I look at you, promise you won't freak out?" I asked. "I promise." He said. So I turned around to look at him and he looked shocked. Then his eyes lowered to the patch of blood and he lifted my shirt just enough for him to see how bad it was. "Y/N. Who did this." He asked with his teeth clenched tight. "Laurence calm down. It's fine." I said. "At least tell me what happened." He said calming down. "Ok. So I was in detention and the teacher was asleep and there was no one else there except one person. He got mad and threw me out a window making glass rip my skin and one big piece of glass was stuck inside me but it's out now." I explained. "Is your dad home?" He asked. "No why?" I responded. "One second." Laurence pulled out his phone and began to type something. "Ok let's go." He said picking me up bridled style. "Laurence put me down I can walk myself." I said. "Nope not letting you walk with those wounds." He said starting to pick up some pace.

When we stoped we were at a house that looked really nice. I saw this same house yesterday and Zane and Garroth were in front of it. I'm guessing this is there house. Laurence brought me up to the door and asked. "Can you push the door bell? I've kinda got my hands full."Laurence asked me. "Then why don't you put me down. But yes I can press it." I said as I pressed the doorbell. As soon as I did I heard loud footsteps running down. Garroth has opened the door and let us in. Laurence set me on there couch and crouched down next to me. "Laurence honestly I'm fi-" I say as some pain took over my words as I sat up. "See your not fine, Garroth can you get Zianna?" Laurence asked. Garroth nodded and ran upstairs bumping into a few doors as he ran. This caused his brothers to come out and see what was going on. Then Garroth came down with a first aid kit and his mom along with his two curious brothers. They all surrounded me and Zianna was right in front of me but everyone could still see everything that was going on. "Oh my Irene! You look badly injured. can I take a look at your side?" She asked. Her voice was soft and sweet. I nodded in response. She lifted up my shirt and I winced in pain. They all gasped at the sight of it except Laurence because he had already seen it. "Would you mind telling me what happened to make you this badly injured?" She asked. Then everyone became quiet to hear the story. "Ok. I was in detention for accidentally breaking a rule in gym. The teacher was asleep in the floor and no one was watching us. It was only me and this jerk in detention. He was in detention for throwing a random werewolf out the window. So I was telling him to stop doing that because he did it so often. I was about three meters away from him and he got angry but he told me to come closer to him because he wanted to show me something. I did go next to him but I was weary about it. When I was right next to him he picks me up and throws me out the window. I lost quite a bit of blood and hit my head really hard and that caused me to black out. When I woke up I was in the nurses office and there was a big piece of glass stuck inside of me. But they got it out. And I left the school still in quite a lot of pain and Laurence found me then took me hear and now I'm telling you all about it." I said. "Ok honey this is going to sting a bit ok." She said putting something on my cuts on my face. I winced in pain a few times. Then she moved downs to my main wound. She put the thing on it and I shouted in pain. "Honey. This wound is going to end up leaving a scar." She said. "I'm ok with that as long as it doesn't hurt like this all the time." I said. "I just realised that I don't know your name." Zianna said. "My name is Y/N, Y/N L/N." I said. "I swear I've heard that name before but I can't put my finger on it." She said. "You may have heard of my dad his name is Robert L/N."
(A/N: I just made up a random name for your dad.)
"I thought I recognised you. You used to come over and play all the time." She said. "Yeah I remember however I only remembered Zane's name." I said. "Yeah I remember you very clearly." Zane said. "Oh remember when Y/N kept on climbing the trees in out backyard." Vlyad said. "Oh and remember when she used to try to always kiss you Zane." Garroth said. "Hey Garroth you said you would stop mentioning that when I moved away." I said blushing a bit from that memory. I then looked at Laurence and saw a small bit of maybe anger or was it jealousy. I don't know. Now it was my turn to say a memory. "Remember how Garroth used to just walk into doors instead of opening them. I clearly remember him saying 'doors are out to get me!'" I said and we all laughed at that one. It felt like a war between ne and Garroth to say the most embarrassing memories about each other. "Y/N used to give Zane hug attacks." "Garroth used Togo to school with no pants on." "Y/N used to were Zane's mask all the time." "Garroth used to stick stickers all over him." "Y/N used to make Zane hug her." I was lost and Garroth could see that but then a smirk appeared on my face. Garroth noticed this. "You wouldn't." "Oh I would." "You would what." Laurence asked enjoying our little battle. "Garroth used to have a little crush on someone in our class back in middle school before I left." I looked at Garroth to stair him right in his eyes as I said this. "He went up to me in front of the whole class and tried to confess it to me." Garroths face was getting redder and redder. "But before he did he was too nervous and peed his pants and this was a mixed grade class so people of different ages saw this too." I finished and I saw Garroth was holding his head in embarrassment. "Ok Y/N looks like you'll start healing soon but for the mean time until she's completely better I want you Garroth to stay at He house and help her dad take care of her, if that's ok." Zianna asked. "Well I'm home alone for a month or two because my dad went on a business trip so I'm the only one living in it for now. But yeah he can stay if he wants." I said. "Hey Y/N is it ok if I stay as well it's better if two people take care of you than one." Laurence asked. "Sure but my dad is super strict with me having boys over unless there Travis. So if your at my house and my dad randomly comes home from work one night then you guys will have to run faster than me." I warned them. "Ok. Well we should get going." Garroth said still a tiny bit red. "Right I'll carry Y/N." Laurence said. "Laurence I can walk on my own." I said. "Nope I'm carrying you weather you like it or not." Laurence said picking me up. I just sighed and let him carry me. Suddenly I felt really tired but I just shrugged it off. We exited the house and suddenly darkness engulfed me.

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