first day

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Y/N - your name
L/N - last name
P.O.V  - point of view
A/N - authors note
F/C - favourite colour
S/F/C - second favourite colour
F/F - favourite food
H/C - hair colour


I woke up to the smell of pancakes. I jumped out of bed and ran down stairs to find my DAD making pancakes. But he wasn't home when I went to bed so he must have came in the house will I was sleeping. ''DAD!'' I shouted engulfing him in a hug. ''Morning sweetie! Go get dressed, the pancakes will be done when your dresses.'' he said. ''OK bye.'' I said.

~time skip~

Dads P.O.V

''Y/N, come on the pancakes are getting cold!'' I shouted. ''Coming, I'm ready, how do I look?'' she asked. ''You look wonderful sweetie. Let me get my camera!'' I say running off to find my camera. ''Dad.'' Y/N said dragging out the a. ''Just one picture please?'' I say dragging out the please. ''Fine one picture.'' she said. ''YAY thank you.'' I said

~time skip~


''Bye dad see you after school!'' I say leaving. ''Bye sweetie have a good day!'' he said waving. I walk out to see Travis leaving his house at the same time as me and we end up walking to school together. ''Can I see your schedule?'' Travis asked. ''Yeah sure.'' I answer giving him my schedule. ''Great we've got music together but that's all sadly.'' Travis said. ''Well at least we've got one class together instead of none, right?'' I ask. ''You got a point.'' Travis said. Sooner than we know it were at school. We sit by the fountain and just talk until the bell rings. Me and Travis walk to homeroom then walk to music and sat next to each other. ''Alright now that we are all hear we can begin, hello class I am you music teacher and today we'll be listening to songs and I also have homework, now it is the first day so I'll give you some easy homework. I'll tell you about that when we've finished listening to the songs.

~time skip~

''So now I'll explain the homework. All you have to do is write a song either with someone or by your self and it's due at the end of this week and you can choose partners.'' the teacher said. ''Hey Travis wanna be partners?'' I ask. ''Yeah sure, I'd love to.'' he said. ''I've gotta get to my next class see ya later.'' I wave goodbye. ''Bye see you later.'' Travis said. I start walking and look at my schedule I had gym next ''Great I'm not looking forward to this.'' I say looking up from my schedule. When I look up I end up bumping into something. I hit the ground and see in front of me was a boy sitting on the floor starting to stand up. ''You OK?'' he asked. ''U-uh I-I em.'' 'were is Travis when you need him!' I think to myself. ''Hey your in music with me, I'm Laurence, what's your name?'' he asked. I uh I-I'm        Y-Y/N. N-nice to m-meet you.'' I say nervously. ''I-I need t-to go, B-bye!'' I say running to the girls locker rooms. I get changed and hed outside for gym. When I saw that Laurance guy from earlier. The teacher then came. ''alright now that everyone is finally here just for today you can go and play whatever sport you want or watch people play the sports.'' our teacher said. Then a girl with blue hair came up to me with two girls one with red hair and one with pink hair and miff'wa ears and a tail. ''Hay, wanna play volleyball?'' the girl with blue hair asked me. ''Uh s-sure I'll t-try I'm Y-Y/N.'' I said nervously. ''Hay Y/N I'm Katelyn the red head is Nicole and the miff'wa is Kawaii~Chan.'' she said holding her hand out for me to shake it. I shook her hand and went to the volleyball court and I was on Kawaii~Chans teem but as we played I felt someone watching me.

Laurance's P.O.V

I watch as Y/N walked over to the volleyball court and go up against Nicole and Katelyn 'she's gonna lose I can tell' I was sitting with Garroth and Dante and Dante saw me looking at    Y/N. ''Laurance I bet $5 that the teem the H/C girl is on is gonna lose.'' Dante said making me look at him. ''Sure I'll do it.'' I say putting a little faith in Y/N. ''Laurance looks like you gonna lose $5.'' Garroth said patting my shoulder.

~time skip~

Dante's P.O.V

''And Y/N~Chan scores meaning we won YAY!'' Kawaii~Chan screams. ''WHAT! HOW!?'' I shout. ''Heh I didn't think she would be that good.'' Laurance says. ''can I have that $5 now.'' Laurance says smirking ''Fine, hear.'' I give Laurance the money and sigh.


''Y/N chan, that. Was. Amazing. You bet Katelyn sama all bye your self. It's so hard to beat her!'' Kawaii~Chan says. But all I do is smile so I don't turn into a nervous wreck again. ''Yeah, that was pretty impressive.'' I hear a voice behind me and jump from shock. And it was Laurence with his friends. ''T-thanks, I g-gota G-go!'' I say suddenly turning into a nervous wreck. Then the bell goes meaning... LUNCH!!! I run to the locker room and get changed and hed of to lunch. Waiting for Travis at a table alone I see him walk in I then wave at him signalling for him to come over. When he sat down he asked me about my last subject. ''It was fun I played volleyball and won but. I kinda became a nervous wreck a couple times because people were talking to me.'' I say. ''heh that's OK. So do you wanna get a head start on the music homework now or?'' he asked. ''Sure but I'm not good at writing songs.'' I answer. ''Yeah I know c'mon let's just start.'' he said.

~time skip~

''so how did your first day go?'' dad asked. ''It was great, I got music homework to do with Travis but it's fun so that's a plus.'' i answered ''OK well get off to bed ,you got school tomorrow.'' he said. ''Yes dad, night.'' I said ''Night sweetie, love you.'' he said. ''love you too dad.'' I said leaving to go to sleep.

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