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Y/N - your name
L/N - last name
P.O.V - point of view
A/N - authors note
F/C - favourite colour
S/F/C - second favourite colour
F/F - favourite food
H/C - hair colour
E/C - ear colour
T/C - tail colour
Y/PN - your phone number

Laurance's P.O.V

Just hearing Travis say that made me laugh so hared that some tears started to come down my face. But right now Y/N and I were on our way to my house to practice some songs. "Hay, Y/N?" "yeah Laurance?" "do you like singing?" I ask out of the blue. "yeah, why?" "I don't know it was just a random question, I guess." I say honestly. "Laurance, you know how I said that my ears and tail can only show when it benefits me." Y/N said. "Yeah, why?" I ask confused. "well it's not completely true, for me they can only show when it benefits me, but if you practice and try to get them to show, you will eventually be able to do it at will again. I don't know why I'm saying it now, but I just thought you should know." Y/N answered. "Well, I could help you to get them to show at your will again, if you want." I say. "R-really? You would help me?" Y/N asked happily. "Yeah sure. How about when we get to my place before we practice the songs we practice with you trying to get your ears and tail to show again?" "sure! I'd love that so much. You're the best!" Y/N shouted. "oh look we're hear. Let's go!"

~time skip~


We practiced me getting my ears and tail to show for around three hours. And they did show. But only for about ten seconds. But hay we're doing good. "great. You just need to learn how to keep them showing for longer. But now we need to practice the songs." Laurance said. "OK *yawn* let's practice them then." I said sounding tired.

Laurance's P.O.V

I was sitting on the couch and Y/N was sitting on my bed. We were practicing some songs and then started to write some more of the lyrics when, suddenly I hear the slight sound of snoring. I got up from the couch and looked over to see Y/N sound asleep. 'heh she's so cute when she's sleeping' I thought. 'wait what am I thinking?' Then Y/N started to fidget in here sleep so I pulled the blanket over her. "Well, I guess I'll go to sleep too." I say to myself crawling up next to her. I held her and she immediately stopped fidgeting and relaxed.

~time skip to morning~


I woke up to see Laurance hugging me and I shot right up. That woke up Laurance. "morning Y/N." he says smiling. I could tell I was blushing a lot but I can't help it. "D-did I just        s-sleep with y-you!?" I stuttered. "well were else would I sleep if you fell asleep in my bed?" he asked. "Well you could have woke me up if I fell asleep!" I shout. "but I couldn't you were just too adorable, I couldn't wake you, plus what kind of gentleman would I be?" he asked. "Just, were can I get changed?" I ask. "what do you mean?" "well I can't go to school in dirty clothes, I tolled you my backpack had everything I need in case of an emergency. Including a chance of clothes. So were can I get changed?" I ask again. "oh, in the bathroom." "OK I'll be back in a minute." I say.

~mini time skip~

We were on our way to school. "hay Laurance? Last night I had a dream." I say out of the blue. "really? What was it about?" "It was about-"
----------------------------------------------------------- ha cliffhanger. I'm sorry but hay, I enjoyed writing this chapter. Sorry if you don't like the sudden 'Laurance sleeping with you' thing. I was originally going to have him sleep on his couch but I thought na let's not do that. Anyway see you later. Good bye.


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