Back to school

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Y/N - your name
L/N - last name
P.O.V - point of view
A/N - authors note
F/C - favourite colour
S/F/C - second favourite colour
F/F - favourite food
H/C - hair colour
E/C - ear colour
T/C - tail colour
Y/PN - your phone number
Y/A - your address


I woke up remembering that today is Monday and that I had to go to school. I was so used to waking up at one specific time that my body thot it would be funny to wake me up exactly one minute before my alarm go of. So I just lied there in bed wondering why I had to go to school, and I fall out of my bed because my alarm goes of. I get up, turn the alarm off and take a shower before I do anything.

I got out of the shower and blow dried my hair, then got dressed and ran downstairs to make some cereal.

I ate my food and realised that I still had another hour till I actually had to leave for school, so I decided to take a walk about the area. I already knew the area like the back of my hand but that didn't stop me from going on a walk. Exited my house and locked it. I put in my earphones to listen to music.

As I was walking I passed the park. It felt like someone was watching me. And I know when someone is watching me. I turned around and no one was there. I knew they were hiding but I just kept walking. Then I felt it again, eyes starring into the back of my head. I turned around and I saw them, the people I never wanted to see. Sasha, Zenix and the worst of all Gene! "Hey puppy pleased to see you." I heard him, Gene, say. As he called me puppy I felt anger run through my body. "Please stop calling me that." I said clenching my fists. "Why I like the name puppy because it resembles you, a dog." Sasha said. Now that one, that one got to me. I took one small step forward. "Shut up," I took another small step. "Shut up," and another. "Shut up, Shut up, Shut up!" I said until I was only a couple more steps away from them. "Oh what's the matter puppy, can't contain your anger?" Zenix said. Out of the corner of my eye I saw familiar face. They was coming closer and closer. When they got very close they spoke. "Come on Y/N, we don't want to be late." I recognised there voice too, it was Laurence. "Aww c'mon Laurence we were just having fun." Gene states. Me and Laurence just walk away. "Thanks Laurence." I say. "No problem you needed help and I have you that help." He says. "C'mon we need to get to school or we'll be late for music." "Oh yeah let's go!" I say rushing of.

We made it to school and we were five minutes early so we talked about what we did this weekend end. I went first and I talked about what I did at the sleepover, minus the shipping thing, and that me, Garroth and Zane went shopping. Then he told me about his weekend. He said "I gad a soccer game, nothing special." I was surprised when he said that. "You play soccer?" I replayed. "Yeah, I'm the team captain." "Wow why didn't you tell me?" I ask. And as soon as I asked that the bell rang.


We had music after home room Yay. I wonder what home work we'll get today.

I went to home room and I never really listened to role call but this time I did. Not sure why but I felt like I should. I hear the home room person say a bunch of names. I have a bad memory with names. the person got to my name and after that I heard a name I wasn't expecting. It was Aphmau. I gasped to loud everyone turned and looked at me, even the teacher. That stayed like that for at least five seconds.

Home room was over now I had to get to music. As I exited home room, I bumped into someone. "Well hello to you to ma'am ." I bumped into Laurence. "Sorry But did you just call me ma'am?" I asked. "Why yes I did." He responded. "Why?" He just shrugged his shoulders. "Then answer this question. Why were you just standing at the door." Because I wanted to wait on a very beautiful girl." "Oh you mean Kawaii~chan? She's just coming in a second." I say. "Not her, you. Plus I was scared you'd get lost again but I believe I'm lost." Laurence said. "Really?" "Lost in your eyes." He said. "Are you flirting with me?" I ask. "Yes. How did you know?" He asked. "Well Travis tried it once on me and you were just as horrible at it than him." I admit. "Well we should get going to music." Laurence said.

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